Very Senior Member
Netgear ddos is known to not be very accurate and have a lot of false positive. It is also known to show a lot of horrible things probably to convince it is doing a good job...All these entries are blocked connections.
I also get a lot like these. I also get the attached logs on the Logs tab of Netgear under Administration. @HELLO_wORLD Are all these false positives?
I am asking because I get random short Internet interruptions (~5sec) on my devices (PC - Disconnections from Game Servers , MiBoxS - IPTV freezes)
I had to disable it on my router as it was blocking legit packets and creating problems on my LAN (don’t remember what now, that was a while ago... but I think it was blocking some legit DNS requests). It is also obscure on what it blocks and why (no way to see its rules, change them, etc...). There are a lot of discussions here on SNB or Netgear forum about it.
You can safely turn it off, and I would not be surprised if it is the cause of your LAN problems!
Aegis does a better job to block known bad IPs, and it is transparent and customizable.
It is also not responsible for any micro cuts, as it does either block or not packets (all or nothing) without changing its mind after a few seconds.
As for a real and serious DDOS protection, it is easy to add some rules in iptables.
I might add that feature in aegis at some point as I already have custom rules that are working fine.