/* Definitions for D11AC capable Chanspec type */
/* Chanspec ASCII representation with 802.11ac capability:
* [<band> 'g'] <channel> ['/'<bandwidth> [<ctl-sideband>]['/'<1st80channel>'-'<2nd80channel>]]
* <band>:
* (optional) 2, 3, 4, 5 for 2.4GHz, 3GHz, 4GHz, and 5GHz respectively.
* Default value is 2g if channel <= 14, otherwise 5g.
* <channel>:
* channel number of the 5MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz channel,
* or primary channel of 40MHz, 80MHz, 160MHz, or 80+80MHz channel.
* <bandwidth>:
* (optional) 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, or 80+80. Default value is 20.
* <primary-sideband>:
* (only for 2.4GHz band 40MHz) U for upper sideband primary, L for lower.
* For 2.4GHz band 40MHz channels, the same primary channel may be the
* upper sideband for one 40MHz channel, and the lower sideband for an
* overlapping 40MHz channel. The U/L disambiguates which 40MHz channel
* is being specified.
* For 40MHz in the 5GHz band and all channel bandwidths greater than
* 40MHz, the U/L specificaion is not allowed since the channels are
* non-overlapping and the primary sub-band is derived from its
* position in the wide bandwidth channel.
* <1st80Channel>:
* <2nd80Channel>:
* Required for 80+80, otherwise not allowed.
* Specifies the center channel of the first and second 80MHz band.
* In its simplest form, it is a 20MHz channel number, with the implied band
* of 2.4GHz if channel number <= 14, and 5GHz otherwise.
* To allow for backward compatibility with scripts, the old form for
* 40MHz channels is also allowed: <channel><ctl-sideband>
* <channel>:
* primary channel of 40MHz, channel <= 14 is 2GHz, otherwise 5GHz
* <ctl-sideband>:
* "U" for upper, "L" for lower (or lower case "u" "l")
* 5 GHz Examples:
* Chanspec BW Center Ch Channel Range Primary Ch
* 5g8 20MHz 8 - -
* 52 20MHz 52 - -
* 52/40 40MHz 54 52-56 52
* 56/40 40MHz 54 52-56 56
* 52/80 80MHz 58 52-64 52
* 56/80 80MHz 58 52-64 56
* 60/80 80MHz 58 52-64 60
* 64/80 80MHz 58 52-64 64
* 52/160 160MHz 50 36-64 52
* 36/160 160MGz 50 36-64 36
* 36/80+80/42-106 80+80MHz 42,106 36-48,100-112 36
* 2 GHz Examples:
* Chanspec BW Center Ch Channel Range Primary Ch
* 2g8 20MHz 8 - -
* 8 20MHz 8 - -
* 6 20MHz 6 - -
* 6/40l 40MHz 8 6-10 6
* 6l 40MHz 8 6-10 6
* 6/40u 40MHz 4 2-6 6
* 6u 40MHz 4 2-6 6