Some settings that helped to improve stability for me:I already have Wifi analyser and the 2.4 band has around another 3 routers. The AC68U is set to fixed channels, 11 and 44. Trouble is when I change the 2.4 channel there is a BT router that seems to follow it and maybe that is interfering as it is the strongest signal. I will try 5 ghz for a while and see if it is any better.
A bit of history, I had up until Feb a DSL-N55U and have had this years and no problems with speakers dropping out, only PPP session dropping which was repeated on the 1200G+ I replaced it in Feb with. The N55U is on Beta firmware and hasn't been updated since 2016 so thought its about time I replaced it. Hardware is fine. So here we are with different problems on the AC68U.
Advanced Settings - Wireless - Professional - 2.4 GHz
- Modulation Scheme: Up to MCS 7 (802.11n)
- Airtime Fairness: Disable
- Universal Beamforming: Disable
Advanced Settings - Wireless - Professional - 5 GHz
- Airtime Fairness: Disable
- Universal Beamforming: Disable