Part of the Furniture
Tried my own dirty way, just for fun:
Code:# nvram show | awk '{print length(), $0 | "sort -n -r"}' | cut -d"=" -f 1 | head size: 48678 bytes (16858 left) 1850 vpn_crt_client1_crt 1755 vpn_crt_client1_ca 1728 vpn_crt_client1_key 1089 sshd_hostkey 624 sshd_dsskey 466 client_info_tmp 382 nmp_client_list 338 sshd_ecdsakey 275 rc_support 239 sshd_authkeys
I love one-liners! Didn't know about awk print length...learned something new. Good job!