Hi merlin
Not running download master
How do i check the logfile in /tmp![]()
ls -lh /tmp
One moore thing i noticed in the tools system info bootloader cfe is unknown and driver version is none?!?
reinstall the firmware?
Hi Merlin, thanks for the ace firmware.
DLNA in .54 is only picking up the 1st of 2 folders. I tried many fixes to no avail.
Reverted to .53 and in an instant finds my 2 folders
Over SSH, you can check the size of the files there with:
Code:ls -lh /tmp
See if anything takes up megabytes of space.
Are you running a modified bootloader? The only Asus model that does not support the bootloader report is the RT-N16.
While on that page, check also how much RAM is free.
Hi merlin
Did the hard reset bootloader cfe and driver version came back 20 min later gone again
As soon the same errors came back
Minimal cofiguration (manual)
Will look in ssh will report back
Memory showing 99 mb free
buffers 1,47 mb
Swap 0,00/0,00 mb
Internal storage
Nvram usage 38225/65536
JFFS 1,65/62,75 Mb
Rebooted the router 3 times bootloader cfe and driver version came back everytime then after 10 min errors starts bootloader and driver gone again.
Not running modified bootloader all stock just installed the firmware
Will the bootloader restore if i reinstall the firmware again?
The bootloader has nothing to do with the firmware. Since it stops working after a while, the most likely reason is you have something on your router that's eating up all your RAM. After a while, it runs out of RAM for running certain core services, or executing operations such as extracting your boot loader version.
99 MB free is definitely abnormal. Disable the media server if it's enabled, it might be misconfigured.
for 2.4 GHz i have set channel 13,
but in Wireles log i see 9l.
it's a bug ?
- FIXED: Busybox's zcip was missing a patch from 378_4950, preventing it from working (and in turn preventing igmpproxy from working for people with PPPoE connections where their modem does not provide any DHCP lease to the physical WAN interface)
THX for reply.9l means it's using channel 9+11 (l = lower).
The Wireless Log is the actual report coming straight from the wireless driver, so it reports what it's actually using.
BTW, channel 13 is only available in very few regions, such as Japan...
i have set "Simpler share naming (without the disk name)" and for me work ok, i not see disk nameWhen setting samba shares there's a option to hide the disk names (like when you have only one share for instance) but didn't change the share behaviour. Anyone else notice the same?
Thanks Vant, oddly still showing sda1 to me.i have set "Simpler share naming (without the disk name)" and for me work ok, i not see disk name
ALL: I'm doing a "soft release" for 378.54_2, so you guys can have a shot at them. If all goes well, I will "officially" publish them in their usual location a day or two.
Grab them from here for now: http://www.mediafire.com/?bj94sbhrh7e49
- FIXED: The exported opvn config for clients had the incorrect port value.
- FIXED: Busybox's zcip was missing a patch from 378_4950, preventing it from working (and in turn preventing igmpproxy from working for people with PPPoE connections where their modem does not provide any DHCP lease to the physical WAN interface)
Click the link and you will see all the models its for. The AC68 file is there too.Hi Merlin, and thanks for another great fix coming from you. Is this for RT-AC68U as well?
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