After having some issues with previous updates this method works for me.....
Backup the settings and JFFS partition.
When on 384.19 I had IPv6 disabled. My VPN client was manually created with IPv4 only. All worked fine with policy based routing, no issues at all.
To successfully go to 386 type firmware...
Download a config for my VPN including IPv6.
Set IPv6 to Native within the router.
Disable settings within the VPN client and turn it off. Then return to defaults within the client, that removes the certificates etc.
Apply the 386.1 update.
when it has rebooted. Go and make a cup of tea.
All settings are fine and client list is slowly restoring. JFFS partition is already mounted - that would fail if I hadn't previously defaulted the VPN client. It would need a format on the next reboot for it to be mounted, causing much to be lost.
As the client list has now populated with around 42 clients, and ten or so minutes have passed, I now load the config previously downloaded for the VPN client. - This also works fine due to previously defaulting the VPN client. If I had not done this it would continually "error" and not work, no amount of defaulting the client or formatting the JFFS partition would resolve that. I had to do a factory reset when at that stage.
Apply policy based routing etc and all works fine.
I now seem to have the above method for me it works smoothly and without issues. Just my thoughts now that I'm on the 386 firmware, I imagine that I will not have to do what I did with the VPN client for other updates as it seemed to be an issue for me coming from 384.19 to this latest release.
So all good and working fine.
Thanks Eric for what you have done with this release. It seemed a tough one to nail down a final version, but you managed it. Most appreciated. Great also now you have got your PC upgrade and the difference that it has made for your compiling. Excellent result there, to be able to buy new components these days, at close to MRRP, is pretty good going. It is a challenge to find them at all.
Stay safe everyone