I love this!
(Please notice my 'Location'. I'm not an 'native'

<Putting on my 'geek' hat>
Actually, that is beside the point!
- I was answering a question! And I believe I answered it correctly by pointing out where the idea was coming from.

- As far as I know (from the mentioned thread) all of this AIMesh-stuff is part of the closed (WiFi) source (i.e. as far as I know (that may not be a lot
) it's mostly a bunch of protocols on top of the old-fashioned WiFi-bits), nothing to do with Merlin-specific stuff (these were the more or less serious bits
- August last year, is that an 'eon' ago?

- Things always change, unless they don't! (By now you may have noticed I studied Philosophy)

- We both should have used the word 'setup'. I used 'install' only because that was the process I was in, 'what I was doing'. So it isn't present/supported, it is something you have to do to make it functional!

<Geek hat off>
But seriously: I usually do the same as you do and put merlin-firmware on my AIMesh-node(s), simply to
keep the
same code-base . In this case I ran into a problem setting up AIMesh-mode, even after (sorry, can't resist this) a 'nuclear' (what's really nuclear about it, huh? Is it radioactive?

) reset of the AX58U.
And I very diligently used the word 'may', if I
may say so!
PS. I was thinking about putting in a quote from 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' by Robert M. Pirsig, specifically 'Yeah, Right' (to point out that a double affirmation may be a negative) but I'm afraid that no-one knows of that book (one of my favorites) anymore.
PPS. In French (my second language, Dutch being the first) they have the wonderful expression 'Et Alors?' That was what president Mitterand said when he was asked about his mistress and it is a massive 'put-down' (it says a lot about pre-#MeToo France, too...). So I decided not to use it.