Awesome, try taking it up to 95% and see if you still get As

Note, I am just curious...
Sorry, took me a while to get to this, family just gone to bed

But...well blow me down.
So I had tested 95% before with besteffort, and was getting some nasty bloat, so needed to drop to those sub-85% values.
Tonight's testing is a bit different with diffserv3, I can run 95% very happily!
No QoS test:
D/L Speed = 33.3Mbps (as measured by the Asus Traffic Monitor)
U/L Speed = 9.4Mbps (again measured by Asus Traffic Monitor)
Idle Ping 57ms, D/L 94ms, U/L 94ms. (DSL-Reports B Result)
95% Cake QoS:
bridged-ptm (Australian NBN Fibre to the Node VDSL2)
Idle Ping 56ms, D/L 60ms, U/L 61ms (DSL-Reports A+ across the board)
Now that's damn impressive. And RAM usage is still under 60%. Impressed.
Though I may need to build in a little extra slack, because my sync rates do tend to drift a little.
During the course working from home for the day, I did have three odd anomolies.
1) Lost sync on my VDSL modem. Unlikely to have been anything to do with the router. Came good on its own.
2) Lost the Router's web interface, but could still access the net. Just prior to this, RAM usage was under 60%. Rebooted to restore web interface. This isn't a common occurrence, so I will keep an eye on this.
3) Lost Internet from my LAN and WiFi. Router thought it was still online though. Had to manually disconnect and then reconnect to Internet via the web interface and all came good.