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Unbound Cannot Install Unbound / S02haveged 404 error

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Today I decided to do a complete reinstall on my router, something I hadn’t done in a while through upgrades. Everything went smoothly until I tried to reinstall Unbound. The installer made it through router checks, entware updates, and then threw a 404 error trying to download S02haveged and stuning.

Appears the repo under JackYaz’s github was deleted (guess based on looking at unbound_manager.sh).

I got it working by finding another working copy of it, and commenting out the download within unbound_manager.sh

Google search and this appears to the be repo but is a 404 error.

This is the code I ended up using:
Today I decided to do a complete reinstall on my router, something I hadn’t done in a while through upgrades. Everything went smoothly until I tried to reinstall Unbound. The installer made it through router checks, entware updates, and then threw a 404 error trying to download S02haveged and stuning.

Appears the repo under JackYaz’s github was deleted (guess based on looking at unbound_manager.sh).

I got it working by finding another working copy of it, and commenting out the download within unbound_manager.sh

Google search and this appears to the be repo but is a 404 error.

This is the code I ended up using:
It appears @Jack Yaz has moved on to bigger and better things. I would switch to this repository.

If this is the case AMTM needs updating or a formal statement as to why this has been pulled. No good having a defunct installer URL in the main AMTM script.

I agree with you. It is sad that you have to trust a single user. If they get tired, or change routers, you stand there without being able to do anything about it.

However, you have to see it from their side as well. Most often they do it in their own spare time. But sad it is!
If this is the case AMTM needs updating or a formal statement as to why this has been pulled. No good having a defunct installer URL in the main AMTM script.
The amtm code for Unbound Manager is perfectly fine and still correct. Rather, @Martineau has to make changes in Unbound Manager.
Not sure what is going on with me just at the moment. After updating amtm, I had significant DNS issues, which I thought I resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling unbound. But then I lost control over the router for about 36 hours: wg would connect, but SSH, the webgui and some other things were unresponsive. I have the router set to reboot every 2 or 3 days, so I waited.

I've unintalled unbound and fingers crossed at the moment. Useful to be taught humility once again.
Not sure what is going on with me just at the moment. After updating amtm, I had significant DNS issues, which I thought I resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling unbound. But then I lost control over the router for about 36 hours: wg would connect, but SSH, the webgui and some other things were unresponsive. I have the router set to reboot every 2 or 3 days, so I waited.

I've unintalled unbound and fingers crossed at the moment. Useful to be taught humility once again.
You might do yourself a favor, check with your internet service provider. See if there are any reports of outages for your area. All of these issues you mentioned here could be completely unrelated to AMTM or Unbound, and coincidentally issues with your ISP. I have had numerous issues with unbound in the past which I thought were unbound related, but in fact they were Service Provider related. Unbound relies on your connection to the outside world to be able to perform its task. If it is blocked (e.g. skynet) it will fail to resolve domains. If your ISP is having server issues, then it will also suffer because of this. Unbound starts with you, and travels through your ISP's path. If your ISP or service provider is having difficulties rest assured so will unbound.
Today I decided to do a complete reinstall on my router, something I hadn’t done in a while through upgrades. Everything went smoothly until I tried to reinstall Unbound. The installer made it through router checks, entware updates, and then threw a 404 error trying to download S02haveged and stuning.

Appears the repo under JackYaz’s github was deleted (guess based on looking at unbound_manager.sh).

I got it working by finding another working copy of it, and commenting out the download within unbound_manager.sh

Google search and this appears to the be repo but is a 404 error.

After being dormant for three years.....

I have uploaded Unbound Manager v3.23 (see commits)

To upgrade

e  = Exit Script [?]

A:Option ==> uf

Forced Update

    unbound_manager.sh downloaded successfully

unbound Manager UPDATE Complete! bd71959343e29df954e151b8a6e3b4ad

|  Welcome to the unbound Manager/Installation script (Asuswrt-Merlin) |
|                                                                      |
|                      Version 3.23 by Martineau                       |
|                                                                      |

Many thanks @fourty6and2
After being dormant for three years.....

I have uploaded Unbound Manager v3.23 (see commits)

To upgrade

e  = Exit Script [?]

A:Option ==> uf

Forced Update

    unbound_manager.sh downloaded successfully

unbound Manager UPDATE Complete! bd71959343e29df954e151b8a6e3b4ad

|  Welcome to the unbound Manager/Installation script (Asuswrt-Merlin) |
|                                                                      |
|                      Version 3.23 by Martineau                       |
|                                                                      |

Many thanks @fourty6and2

Change: If 'jitterentropy-rngd' installed in RMerlin firmware, then the 'haveged' package is redundant and should not be installed and removed if found.

IIRC, the firmware now comes with haveged instead of jitterentropy-rngd.

RT-AX88U_Pro-29B8:/tmp/home/root# pidof haveged

Consider changing line 3765 to

[ -n "$(which jitterentropy-rngd haveged | grep -E "^(/usr/sbin/.*)")" ] && opkg remove haveged >/dev/null

alas, it appears you have multiple jitterentropy-rngd lines you should consider.
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But then I lost control over the router for about 36 hours: wg would connect, but SSH, the webgui and some other things were unresponsive.
I've experienced the same after updating amtm, and I don't use unbound.
You might do yourself a favor, check with your internet service provider
Not likely. Having rebooted, I regained access, uninstalled unbound and so far so good.

I'm a little worried about supplying the router with a time before ntp sync. That relies on the individual scripts to wait until ntp sync occurs--unbound wouldn't work with an oldish time, would it?

More specifically, many scripts wait for the nvram variable ntp_ready to be set to 1 (or at least, not zero). Is there any chance the firmware is seeing a new time and thinks it comes from ntp?
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Not likely. Having rebooted, I regained access, uninstalled unbound and so far so good.

I'm a little worried about supplying the router with a time before ntp sync. That relies on the individual scripts to wait until ntp sync occurs--unbound wouldn't work with an oldish time, would it?
You tell me. Does you internet work correctly when the clock works correctly? Or does your clock work correctly when your internet works correctly?

There is always scMerlins ntp boot watchdog script, which doesn't actually delay the boot process. It just gives the clock a helping hand if it takes too long to get the correct time.

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Hopefully this is where my saga ends, but my ax88 no longer sees my USB stick. First it was mounted but none of the scripts would run. On reboot it was shown as unmounted (but named). On another reboot it was available to be formatted, but on the next reboot it was no longer seen. So after 3 years in operation since originally formatted it is out of the picture. I'm 7000 km away and not visiting that place for five more months, my router is only running a few non-USB scripts. (Please don't waste time to tell me I should be using an SSD drive.) I'm not saying the update to amtm killed the USB stick, but from that moment things fell apart.

Since I then went on to clear out the scripts that were dependent on the USB stick, I discovered that some--like scribe--uninstall fine. Others, like vnstat, do not, as they first test to see if entware is present. I think this is something that should be fixed to be amtm-qualified: the ability to uninstall the parts of the script still present even if entware is bolluxed.

It also occurs to me that amtm might be reorganized to show scripts that are entware-dependent in one grouping, and another that are not entware dependent.
Hopefully this is where my saga ends, but my ax88 no longer sees my USB stick. First it was mounted but none of the scripts would run. On reboot it was shown as unmounted (but named). On another reboot it was available to be formatted, but on the next reboot it was no longer seen. So after 3 years in operation since originally formatted it is out of the picture. I'm 7000 km away and not visiting that place for five more months, my router is only running a few non-USB scripts. (Please don't waste time to tell me I should be using an SSD drive.) I'm not saying the update to amtm killed the USB stick, but from that moment things fell apart.

Since I then went on to clear out the scripts that were dependent on the USB stick, I discovered that some--like scribe--uninstall fine. Others, like vnstat, do not, as they first test to see if entware is present. I think this is something that should be fixed to be amtm-qualified: the ability to uninstall the parts of the script still present even if entware is bolluxed.

It also occurs to me that amtm might be reorganized to show scripts that are entware-dependent in one grouping, and another that are not entware dependent.
Did you check the amtm options in r
Did you check the amtm options in r
Yes, but it looks to me like it does too much. For example, #2 deletes everything in /jffs/scripts, even scripts not incorporated into amtm options, and even scripts that do not depend on the USB.
Yes, but it looks to me like it does too much. For example, #2 deletes everything in /jffs/scripts, even scripts not incorporated into amtm options, and even scripts that do not depend on the USB.
I understand. I wanted to have an option to reset all scripts, especially now since some routers don‘t offer the format jffs option.
Clearing /scripts /addons and /configs is the best I came up with as I have no idea what files all these addon generate.

To see which addon depends on Entware, look at amtm.mod and search for c_e (for check Entware) in the install section. It‘s within a case statement.
I understand. I wanted to have an option to reset all scripts, especially now since some routers don‘t offer the format jffs option.
Clearing /scripts /addons and /configs is the best I came up with as I have no idea what files all these addon generate.

To see which addon depends on Entware, look at amtm.mod and search for c_e (for check Entware) in the install section. It‘s within a case statement.
I think it is a great option since /jffs cannot be formatted on some of these new routers.
Just curious if anyone is having issues with latest Unbound v3.23? I just updated yesterday and woke up today with slow/sluggish internet. I have temporarily removed the latest Unbound and all is working again. Might try to reinstall later again to see if this was an isolated incident.
Just curious if anyone is having issues with latest Unbound v3.23? I just updated yesterday and woke up today with slow/sluggish internet. I have temporarily removed the latest Unbound and all is working again. Might try to reinstall later again to see if this was an isolated incident.
Working normally for me (although I did a complete reinstall on the router - not sure if that made a difference).

Think the biggest change from 3.22 to 3.23 was switching the repos. (Could be wrong!)

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