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thanx a lot

I'm able to mount it manually and it is rw, so no just need to figure out why it isn't done automatically during boot.
That's simply odd, i can test it on my RT-N18U and see the results.
let him burn! TERRORIST!

I envy soooo much jegesq and got_milk. You rly can't even imagine how much I do envy you... Your biggest problem is, that someone is not yet complying with GPL license. :) When I grow up guys, I want to be like you... I mean it (it must a be a beautiful life, if this is your biggest problem).

But I do agree with you... LET HIM BURN! Today it is non-compliance with GPL, tomorrow he might kill someone.

Now stop filling this thread with BS, wait till the end of the week, and then whatever happens, don't start again.

Now back to the point...
@hggomes: Reverted back to stable release, as expected, those webui issues we have discussed yesterday are gone, but that jffs is still not working.
Could you pls post an output from 'mount' cmd so I can try to mount it manualy?

Hey, Glide:

Let's be clear about a couple of things. I personally don't give a shirt if Hggomes ever publishes the source code. I wouldn't trust his....er someone else's "firmware" (albeit evidently modified by him in ways that he's refusing to actually disclose at the moment....oh yeah, we should take his word for it....NOT) that he's uploaded ever. And I'm certainly not going to flash it to my routers.

What I do care about, and I realize that this is going to seem anathema to every enthusiast and hobbyist out there who wants to experiment with their routers just to see (i.e., "proof of concept") if it's possible to get 5watts out of their radios, or to unlock and operate a router using geographical regions that technically (and I mean "technical" in the sense that there are no actual technical specifications applicable to such regions) do not exist, and which do not comply with any prudent use of the shared frequencies, legal or not.

Sure you can tell me I'm full of shirt because no router for indoor use is ever going to have any negative or adverse effect either on weather, military, or public air safety radar, but that's not what the EU commissions that have looked at this issue pretty deeply have concluded.

http://www.cept.org/files/1051/Tool...ations/2013/Draft ECC Rep192 on 5GHz DFS.docx

No, what pisses me off is that Hggomes is just so f*cking intentionally oblivious to what he's doing. And he actually doesn't really care either.

I will absolutely respect Merlin's request that we not get into a flame war about the GPL. I don't care about that, and that was never my issue but was Got_Milk's issue. I happen to agree with Milk on that point, and believe it's just a huge sign that something is amiss with what Hggomes is doing (it's like the CFO of a company hiding the books from his superiors....it's pretty likely he's stealing if he doesn't want anyone else to know what is going on), but if the guy whose firmware (Merlin) is being modified (or not modified as the case may be) and is being passed off by someone else as their own (since Hggomes says it's a "fork" of Merlin's FW) doesn't seem to object, then who am I to really care about it? Hey, just like the rest of us, I'm just passing through on my way to somewhere else, and I don't really give a f*ck what you do. But those of you who are modifying your routers with this stuff should care. A lot. Because you don't really know what you're getting.

You're right though. Enough BS. You guys just keep on doing whatever the hell you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want.

Frankly, I wouldn't trust Hggomes' uploads as far as I could throw them. So no, I won't be updating my router with his "stuff". But you go right ahead.
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My advice to you and got_milk is buy some new glasses, with all the respect:


Let's be clear about a couple of things. I personally don't give a shirt if Hggomes ever publishes the source code.

Yeah we've all seen that is true based on your previous posts/statements, you really don't want the source code.

No, what pisses me off is that Hggomes is just so f*cking intentionally oblivious to what he's doing. And he actually doesn't really care either.

And... R.E.L.A.X FWs are not available now so no need to be pissed off anymore, just breed :)

Your links have alot useful information, thank you. (you winned a THANKS)

NOTE: Please correct those 2 links, so people could read them, i realized that you didn't noticed that my previous line was a joke ;)
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Why cant radars just use another frequency?

I do find it hard to believe a home router can knockout a radar, and radars are typically not even near residential properties.

Seems the 5ghz was a stupid range to allocate to routers. Isnt there any frequency that was free?

By the way I am not using this firmware either, simply that (a) I am paranoid its got some malware or something inside it and (b) it will probably not be supported.

jegesq raises some very valid and important points - and I want to piggyback on his excellent post to explain my view as well.

Code theft is something I take very seriously. I had worked on (a now defunct) portfolio site for myself when I was looking for work, releasing it to GitHub under with a permissive license and an extra condition that you may freely use it as long as my name and a link back to my website remained in the footer of the page.

I stumbled upon, almost a year later, someone with an exact clone of my website, with some small (unclean) modifications and the link back to me stripped from the footer. After checking the JavaScript files on the server however, they left the original headers which had my name in it.

The website was eventually changed, but for me knowing that the work I had spent so many hours on and freely contributed for anyone to use was essentially stolen is not the best feeling in the world. To me it's no different coming home and finding a thief had broken in and stolen a possession of yours that meant a lot to you. You can't put a monetary price on it, but it's a loss either way.

I do apologize if my posts came off as too harsh - but this kind of behaviour really hits close to home for me.
No info about this FW features/functionality included

no reason to read this, no relvant info about this FW included

you two should understand something...

Most of the users of this forum, in particular of this thread, are using this FW, or considering to use this FW, because it is the only one I know about, that simply does the trick.
For lack of CTF, dd-wrt, or tomato are not an option.
Merlin, for very obvious reasons, is not supporting my router. (kudoz to his work)

So I am very thankful, that someone devoted his free time to do it and shared his work.

Yes, I am fully aware of potential security risk by using this FW.

To be honest, once the sources will be published, the risk would 100% same as it is right now, since I will not spend hours going through the code to review it (although I'm, at least partially, capable of doing it).
So the fact is, Merlins code is as much secirty risk as this one, or tomato, or any custom FW maintained by a single person.

I honestly believe, that none of you is capable to do any sensible security review yourself. You just believe that once the sources are out, well, "someone for sure reviews them", or "he wouldn't publish source code, if he put something harmful in there", or similar self delusional BS. That's actualy pretty common thing when it comes to opensource.

Anyway, if you want to continue this BS, please start a new thread, since you really make it difficult for the ones like me, to get proper support (not to mention the fact that you are pissing me off).

@hggomes: pls, zip something together and post it... it's not like that any of those two are going to do anything with it. Merlin's code + changed NVRAM settings would do the trick.
And once you have time, pls tidy it up and put it on github, since I'm intersted in checking few things.

Yeah, he should comply with with the license, no question about that...

@got_milk: I very much understand your frustration if someone "stealed" your work and claim it's his, but honestly, posting it online (with the remark: free to use as long as ...) and believing eveyone will comply is, let's say, childish at least. ;) (Hell, I can tell you some funny stories about my code, and that one was everything but posted online for general use ;))
And btw, I don't really see anything like that happening here...

@jegesq: you know what I think, as someone who just joined the forum, and must filter through your totaly unhelpful posts here?
It looks to me you are trying to hit 2nd place in Top Posters (general issue with forums, where you gain "seniority" by number of posts).

So once again guys, if you wnat to follow this up, please start a separate thread, and give him hell there. Call Greenpeace, or send the letter to pope if you will, just don't spam the thread meant for user support.

PS: Now I will spend next hour trying to figure out, if this forum has "silence" feature, or putting greasemonkey script together, that will do the trick for me, since I'm really not coming here to argue about world peace, or GPL compliance.

There's nothing worth quoting in your post, so I won't do so, but you miss the point entirely: There is no "other thread" nor need to create another thread to discuss what hggomes is doing (or says he's doing), which is, I suppose what you call "the trick", i.e., unlocking region codes, unlocking transmit power, and making channels available that do not implement DFS and TPC. And apparently you do not appreciate the significance. Or you do and just don't care. Whatever. Have a nice day.

That said, is it ok if I ignore you later? Because I'm pretty busy right now.
I asked for the GPL topic to be dropped, with no luck. I'm going to lock this thread for a day or two while things cool down, and will unlock it later.
Thanks Merlin. I came across this and was excited there was a fork around. Bump, locked. Then bump files deleted.

hggomes don't give up man ! This sounds interesting, I'll keep an eye on this thread, github or whatever if you decide to continue ;)
Tested a little on my rt-ac68u the other day when wife was away.
But now back on Merlin again, don't know if my skills is enough.
One question:
Is it possible to restart WiFi's from CLI (google doesn't know) ??

Yes, i though i have read WEBUI :P
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