ASUSWRT-Merlin RT-AC88U 380.66-6 Wed Jun 21 19:07:32 UTC 2017
admin@RT-AC88U-97F8:/tmp/home/root# cd /jffs/scripts
admin@RT-AC88U-97F8:/jffs/scripts# ls ddns-start
admin@RT-AC88U-97F8:/jffs/scripts# ./
Usage: mac wps host (register|update) (logger|console|silent)
mac format: 00:11:22:33:44:55 (asus mac address) [to get it from nvram: nvram get et0macaddr]
wps format: 12345678 (your wps code) [to get it from nvram: nvram get secret_code]
host format: testestest (your hostname without
Program output:
logger --> /var/log/messges
console --> console
silent --> mute output
example to register and update
./ 00:11:22:33:44:55 12345678 testestest register console
./ 00:11:22:33:44:55 12345678 testestest update logger
Launch 'register' the first time to register the new domain with your mac address.
Launch 'update' each 5 minutes (eg: with cron jobs) to keep dns updated.
ASUSddns script by BigNerd95 (
I tried ./ and got the usage information as above because it needs arguments....but the question is why you get the "not found" error.
I'm wondering if it is a user, ownership and permission issue. Note that I am logged in via ssh as "admin" when I do this, whereas you see to be a user "killer"?
Can you do this as user admin or even root?