I tried the new beta and it seems you fixed the Export ovpn file "Export" button.
It now gives the lines to paste my own client keys and not put in the routers own generated crap.
Code:... <cert> paste client certificate data here </cert> <key> paste client key data here </key> ...
I use my own keys, so router generated client keys give problems like I reported earlier.
(I installed the beta without resetting to defaults this time.)
Thanks for testing this. Now, the router will actually check if the client cert is signed by the CA cert it has stored. If not (like in your case where you changed the CA), then you get those notices.
I will imrpove a bit more on this in the next release. Right now, anyone who wants to rely strictly on username/password based auth will end up with an ovpn file that won't work (as they won't be aware about those fields needing to be completely removed).
What I will do is not include these fields at all if someone enables both "Username/Password Authentication" and "Username/Password Auth. Only" (that second option is one I added a release or two ago to better integrate with Asus's changes). That way we should have an optimal ovpn file for all the different authentication scenarios.
BTW, Asus still has a few improvements underway regarding OpenVPN. Like the ability to email the .ovpn file directly from the web interface...