Occasional Visitor
The cautionary from @GNUton was clear - which is why I held off on the alpha 2 until ample time to play with the alpha [expect issues]
If you went ahead after reading my post above - then...
While router is powered on - press and hold the reset button for at least 6 seconds - then press the power button and hold it in while still hanging onto the reset button ... wait until the power LED blinks slowly - then release. Run Rescue program asap with Asus Stock firmware selected. Do not restore settings from backup - reconfigure manually.
I suggest you stick with GNUton 384.14_0 stable release - it is rock steady if carefully an correctly configured.
The cautionary was followed, thus why i beta test the builds.
i'd already sorted the router hours ago by the way, no need for the cocky know it all response coco.