Oh, I'm sorrymy mod not support RT-N66 series![]()
ONLY Merlin.

Oh, I'm sorrymy mod not support RT-N66 series![]()
ONLY Merlin.
Hi everyone.
@AndreyPopov regarding the 5GHz issue; have you already tried to contact Shibby20 from the Tomato project? It seems that he managed to fix this problem a while back. (I don't know if I can post external links, but if you google "wl_high module finally compiled" the first result will take you to the page I mean
Module compiled. And loaded.
Problem in upping second wifi interface.
In code upping second wifi interface is
sprintf(insmod_arg, "instance_base=%d", maxunit + 1);
modprobe("wl_high", insmod_arg);
Instance_base - what value and what mod probe syntax?
I am using the last modded version since it was published, but just now I noted that the asp page for NFS in my RT-N16.
¿Im I missing something?
Appart from that, I was wondering if you are going to release an m7d, because in the merlin thread for the .48 there have been updates and a post-release 376.48_1.
Thanks in advance
ASUSWRT-Merlin RT-N16_3.0.0.4 Thu Nov 6 04:09:31 UTC 2014
admin@XXXXXXXX:/tmp/home/root# ls /www
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Advanced_PortTrigger_Content.asp cloud_settings.asp
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BR.dict general.js
CN.dict get_webdavInfo.asp
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DA.dict getfoldertree.asp
DDNS_info.asp getsharelink.asp
DE.dict getsl.asp
DNSFilter.asp gettree.asp
EN.dict gotoHomePage.htm
ES.dict help.js
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FR.dict httpd_check.htm
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IT.dict iui
JP.dict jquery.js
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MS.dict md5.js
Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp mediaserver.asp
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Main_RouteStatus_Content.asp pwdmeter.css
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Main_TrafficMonitor_devrealtime.asp remote.js
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Main_TrafficMonitor_realtime.asp setting_lan.htm
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NM_style.css start_autodet.asp
NO.dict state.js
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PIE.htc svg.js
PL.dict svghtc
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QIS_wizard.htm tmcal.js
QIS_wizard_m.htm tmhist.js
QoS_EZQoS.asp tmmenu.css
RO.dict tmmenu.js
RU.dict update_IPv6state.asp
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SITE_info.asp update_appstate.asp
SV.dict update_clients.asp
TH.dict update_cloudstatus.asp
TR.dict update_diskinfo.asp
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WPS_info.asp wlconn_apply.htm
aicloud_qis.asp wpad.dat
That red 33 bytes file is, in fact, a link to /jffs/www/ where the real file is located :| and it wont work.
The other strange thing I just discovered is that jffs now contains a big number of files (some versions of the firmware ago, it was almost empty with scripts and config folder only)
admin@xxxxxxxx:/tmp/mnt/OPTWARE/entware# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type squashfs (ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)
devfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,noatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
/dev/mtdblock4 on /jffs type jffs2 (rw,noatime)
usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /tmp/mnt/OPTWARE type ext3 (rw,nodev,noatime,data=ordered)
It is ext3
Hi there @Andrey, any news on the 5GHz Radio for the n53 series?
I would like to help you out by donating some money. Do you have a Paypal account?
firmware compiled with wl_high (5G) module but it not want start.
I ask Shibby about this problem
but not enough help to solve problem.
now merge Merlin's last changes and prepare to make mod8.
and than try again RT-N53 5g.
If you need a tester for the N53, I have one running in repeater mode right now I'm willing to mess around with.
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