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[Fork] Asuswrt-Merlin on Broadcom MIPS RT-N series

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Possible bug

I am testing the 7b in the RT-N16 and almost everything seems to at least show (and apparently work too). But every time I hit the OpenVPN client link, it wont show.... It displays this page (see attachment)
Don't worrie, it is in spanish but is the same page that appears after you reboot the router... and it says that the configuration has changed and you have to reconnect to the new IP and port.

The rest of the pages work as espected (sometimes I have to reload them or press enter to insist so they show up, but nothing serious)

Thanks for the good job! The firmware is awesome!!


  • Pantallazo-1.jpg
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But every time I hit the OpenVPN client link, it wont show.... It displays this page (see attachment)

I checking why page absent

I check - page present in firmware.

please on Tools - RunCmd run "ls /www" and post here

then try:
- on English
- non-https protocol
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The ls /www output was
admin@xxxxxxxxxx:/tmp/home/root# ls /www
APP_Installation.asp                  aidisk.asp
Advanced_ACL_Content.asp              ajax.js
Advanced_APPList_Content.asp          ajax_coretmp.asp
Advanced_ASUSDDNS_Content.asp         ajax_ddnscode.asp
Advanced_AiDisk_NFS.asp               ajax_dms_status.asp
Advanced_AiDisk_ftp.asp               ajax_qos_default.asp
Advanced_AiDisk_samba.asp             ajax_status.xml
Advanced_AiDisk_webdav.asp            ajax_wlc_state.asp
Advanced_BasicFirewall_Content.asp    alttxt.js
Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp             api.asp
Advanced_Exposed_Content.asp          aplist.asp
Advanced_Firewall_Content.asp         app_installation.css
Advanced_Firewall_IPv6_Content.asp    apps_test.asp
Advanced_FirmwareUpgrade_Content.asp  apscan.asp
Advanced_GWStaticRoute_Content.asp    automac.asp
Advanced_IPTV_Content.asp             calendar
Advanced_IPv6_Content.asp             client1.ovpn
Advanced_KeywordFilter_Content.asp    client2.ovpn
Advanced_LAN_Content.asp              client_function.js
Advanced_Modem_Content.asp            cloud_main.asp
Advanced_NATPassThrough_Content.asp   cloud_router_sync.asp
Advanced_OperationMode_Content.asp    cloud_settings.asp
Advanced_PortTrigger_Content.asp      cloud_status.asp
Advanced_QOSUserPrio_Content.asp      cloud_sync.asp
Advanced_QOSUserRules_Content.asp     cloud_syslog.asp
Advanced_SNMP_Content.asp             cmdRet_check.htm
Advanced_SettingBackup_Content.asp    cpu_status.asp
Advanced_SwitchCtrl_Content.asp       detect.js
Advanced_System_Content.asp           detectWAN.asp
Advanced_URLFilter_Content.asp        detect_firmware.asp
Advanced_VPNAdvanced_Content.asp      detect_timezone.js
Advanced_VPNClient_Content.asp        device-map
Advanced_VPNStatus.asp                disk_fsck.xml
Advanced_VPN_Content.asp              disk_functions.js
Advanced_VirtualServer_Content.asp    disk_msg.js
Advanced_WANPort_Content.asp          disk_scan.asp
Advanced_WAN_Content.asp              diskmon_test.asp
Advanced_WAdvanced_Content.asp        dropbox_callback.htm
Advanced_WMode_Content.asp            error_page.htm
Advanced_WSecurity_Content.asp        ext
Advanced_WWPS_Content.asp             form.js
Advanced_Wireless_Content.asp         form_style.css
Advanced_Wireless_Survey.asp          general.js
BR.dict                               get_webdavInfo.asp
CN.dict                               getdhcpLeaseInfo.xml
CZ.dict                               getfoldertree.asp
DA.dict                               getsharelink.asp
DDNS_info.asp                         getsl.asp
DE.dict                               gettree.asp
EN.dict                               gotoHomePage.htm
ES.dict                               help.js
FI.dict                               help_content.js
FR.dict                               httpd_check.htm
Guest_network.asp                     images
HU.dict                               index.asp
IT.dict                               index_style.css
JP.dict                               iui
Lang_Hdr                              jquery.js
Lang_Hdr.txt                          jquery.xdomainajax.js
Logout.asp                            manifest.appcache
MS.dict                               manifest.asp
Main_AdmStatus_Content.asp            md5.js
Main_Analysis_Content.asp             mediaserver.asp
Main_ConnStatus_Content.asp           menu_style.css
Main_DHCPStatus_Content.asp           merlin.js
Main_IPTStatus_Content.asp            multi_vts_rule.asp
Main_IPV6Status_Content.asp           offline.htm
Main_LogStatus_Content.asp            other.css
Main_Netstat_Content.asp              popup.js
Main_RouteStatus_Content.asp          proxy.pac
Main_TrafficMonitor_daily.asp         pwdmeter.css
Main_TrafficMonitor_devdaily.asp      qis
Main_TrafficMonitor_devmonthly.asp    ram_status.asp
Main_TrafficMonitor_devrealtime.asp   remote.asp
Main_TrafficMonitor_last24.asp        remote.js
Main_TrafficMonitor_monthly.asp       require
Main_TrafficMonitor_realtime.asp      result_of_get_changed_status_QIS.asp
Main_WOL_Content.asp                  setting_lan.htm
Main_WStatus_Content.asp              start_apply.htm
NM_style.css                          start_apply2.htm
NO.dict                               start_autodet.asp
Nologin.asp                           state.js
PIE.htc                               status.asp
PL.dict                               svg.js
ParentalControl.asp                   svghtc
ParentalControl.css                   switch_AiDisk_app.asp
PrinterServer.asp                     switcherplugin
QIS_wizard.htm                        tm.svg
QIS_wizard_m.htm                      tmcal.js
QoS_EZQoS.asp                         tmhist.js
RO.dict                               tmmenu.css
RU.dict                               tmmenu.js
Restarting.asp                        update_IPv6state.asp
SITE_info.asp                         update_applist.asp
SV.dict                               update_appstate.asp
TH.dict                               update_clients.asp
TR.dict                               update_cloudstatus.asp
TW.dict                               update_diskinfo.asp
Tools_OtherSettings.asp               ure_success.htm
Tools_RunCmd.asp                      ureip.asp
Tools_Sysinfo.asp                     user
UK.dict                               userRpm
UpdateError.asp                       usp_style.css
Updating.asp                          validation.js
UploadError.asp                       wcdma_list.js
Uploading.asp                         wds_aplist_2g.asp
WAN_info.asp                          wds_aplist_5g.asp
WPS_info.asp                          wds_aplist_5g_2.asp
aicloud_qis.asp                       wlconn_apply.htm
aidisk                                wpad.dat

The other two test will have to wait until I get home at night
I have reflashed 7b, and switched to english. The problem persist. Also, in the firmware update page I noted that it still says that I have 7a, even after reflash. See attachment.

I have flashed from chromium and opera... In Firefox I can not, at the moment, access at all to the web managment of the router, but It could be something wrong with my firefox.:eek:

UPDATE: now the attachment is the correct one.

Will try tripleflash and report



  • Pantallazo-2.jpg
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Wrong screenshot attached.

Please try flash two or three times

Flash m7b
Flash m7b
Flash m7b

And please on Tools page see nvram usage
Now works!!

I reflashed and reboot again, but first stopped all the init.d services. Now it says 7b version, and I can go to OpenVPN client page

Thanks a lot! :D

PS Nvram usage: 29738 / 32768 bytes
I have aria2, lighttpd with owncloud, an rss daemon, pyload and mysql scripts in init.d
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- mod7b1, 30.10.2014

- Based on Merlin 376.48 beta2 (ASUS source
- for RT-N10U and RT-N15U NTFS, FAT32(FAT) drivers replaced by tuxera and add HFS drivers
(check and make file system utilities moved to external web kit)
- script to install external web kit now part of firmware : entee in console command prep-ext-kit.sh
- removed appear AiCloud 2.0 from Asusware in webui
- mod7b1, 30.10.2014

- Based on Merlin 376.48 beta2 (ASUS source
- for RT-N10U and RT-N15U NTFS, FAT32(FAT) drivers replaced by tuxera and add HFS drivers
(check and make file system utilities moved to external web kit)
- script to install external web kit now part of firmware : entee in console command prep-ext-kit.sh
- removed appear AiCloud 2.0 from Asusware in webui

The MIPS version of the Tuxera driver is broken. Tuxera confirmed to me that this was due to the old version found in Asus's GPL, the issue was resolved in newer versions (such as the one used by ARM). I recommend not to use the Tuxera driver on MIPS.
The MIPS version of the Tuxera driver is broken. Tuxera confirmed to me that this was due to the old version found in Asus's GPL, the issue was resolved in newer versions (such as the one used by ARM). I recommend not to use the Tuxera driver on MIPS.

I try on my RT-N15U - FAT and NTFS driver work. :confused:
2 Questions

Hi again

Can you publish the changelog for de c series. I guess that is based on beta3, but also, there is a extension pack for the RT-N16 ¿What does it do?

The other question is about the issue with FAT32/NTFS mentioned before by rmerl. ¿Does this build have the bug?

Thanks in advance
1. tuxera bug only FAT32 driver, not in NTFS

2. mod7c:
- all webkit contain Samba 3.6
- all webkit contain prep-ext-kit.sh asusware/entware (for RT-N16 you can apply for use swap option on Administration page)
- fix error in create /jffs structure and prepare /jffs/crontabs/admin jobs file and link it to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin in init-start script (now /jffs/crontabs/admin contaion test job and you can see that in Administration page)
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Sorry, I'm a little confused

I have flashed

and smbd -i gives me 3.6.xx

and smbd -i gives me the same 3.6.xx number

Also, both images have the same size. So mi question is what is the differencie between those two images...

And what do I do with the 1.5 mb file called RT-N16_3.0.0.4_376_2769-g1bb5fac-m7c-webkit-ext.tgz

Should I uncompress it on the router having installed the -webkit.trx image previously... or it is allready included there.

Or perhap I should I uncompress it on the router having flashed the trx that doesn say webkit at the end

Thanks in advance
And what do I do with the 1.5 mb file called RT-N16_3.0.0.4_376_2769-g1bb5fac-m7c-webkit-ext.tgz

Should I uncompress it on the router having installed the -webkit.trx image previously... or it is allready included there.

all webkit contain prep-ext-kit.sh asusware/entware (for RT-N16 you can apply for use swap option on Administration page)

prep-ext-kit.sh know what to do with RT-N16_3.0.0.4_376_2769-g1bb5fac-m7c-webkit-ext.tgz, but for RT-N16 you can apply for use swap option on Administration page
- mod7с 06.11.2014

- Based on Merlin 376.48 final (ASUS source
- add Samba 3.6 (3.6.24) for USB routers - RT-N16 in both variants, RT-N14UHP, RT-N15U, RT-N10U in external web kit
- fix jffs error scripts ans folder initializatio (now create /jffs/crontabs instead /jffs/crontab)
- reworked jffs initialization - now by default create file /jffs/crontabs/admin and add symlink in init-start to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/admin
- reworked external web kit install script (for firmware with webkit suffix). now it can run with parameters:
а) prep-ext-kit.sh asusware - install support for Asusware and external web kit
б) prep-ext-kit.sh entware - install support for Entware and external web kit
- after run prep-ext-kit.sh you can use swap file management on Administration page
I think router RT-N16? or not?
RT-N66U. In early builds of Merlin's 376.xx TX power was much lower compared to 374.xx because of new wireless drivers and I couldn't set it using SSH and could not change country code to get more power. Can I do this in your releases?
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RT-N66U. In early builds of Merlin's 376.xx TX power was much lower compared to 374.xx because of new wireless drivers and I couldn't set it using SSH and could not change country code to get more power. Can I do this in your releases?

my mod not support RT-N66 series :(
ONLY Merlin.
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