Given this is still mentioned, I presume it's still the case.
Just confirming Save/Restore settings isn't an option either, due to other weird things? ie Is it just the "default" that's required, or is restore ok or manual entry reeeally necessary.
Ask as just realised week & half of uptime that VPN has dropped out, failed to connect (Auth failed) however internet still going through.
Steps (ASUS RT-AC3200 on v380.68_2);
-Saved settings.
-Updated firmware.
-Restore settings.
-Reboot in among all this somewhere.
-Made sure VPN connected & works. But now, it's not.
What a PIA this is, having to update all this every time firmware gets updated

. It was a fluke I got it working properly the first time lol
On side note: any plans to allow addition of more VPN clients? 2 isn't really enough especially if want to change regions regularly, unless there's a better way?