Viktor Jaep
Part of the Furniture
Fantastic work on this @ExtremeFiretop and @Martinski! You guys are KILLIN' IT!MerlinAU Version 1.1.4 released.
What's Changed/Fixed?:
PR: #213 - Modified top section/header of the Main Menu.
PR: #214 - Update GUI Menu Sizes, Fix Changelog Check, and Email Highlight Changelog Changes, SHA256 changes
- This PR is for the top section/header of the Main Menu was modified to allow for a bit longer/better description of the listed items. (Thanks @Martinski4GitHub)!
PR: #215 - Minor code fixes & improvements.
- Update GUI Menu Sizes to match Martinskis updates in PR 213,
- Fix Changelog Check which would previously find no high risk phrases found for some users.
- MerlinAU will now Highlight the Changelog Changes of high risk in the email as requested by @nlurker here:
- View attachment 58930
- SHA256 changes as requested by @dave14305 here: to enhance security.
Tightening up some code & general code improvements.
- This PR is all about barious minor code fixes & improvements. One of which is an improved password debounce when pressing "TAB" key to view the password. (Thanks @Martinski4GitHub)!