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Thanks hotsauce. I'm giving it another day or so. I've currently been "up" without issue for roughly 24 hours. The longest stretch yet; however, my node is showing as connected via wifi even though I have it wired via Ethernet on the WAN port. It's been like this since the last reboot just over a day ago. That part doesn't make any sense to me. Seems like Ethernet for the backhaul would be ideal, so no clue as to why it's reverted to a wifi backhaul. Speeds all seem to be adequate, however my ping to my usual gaming server has gone up from about ~75ms to 90ms. Steady 90ms for the past week when everything's working. is reporting an average of 95Mbps on a 100Mbps connection. It usually pegs at 100Mb, so not sure what's happening there. This is switching from an RT-AC66U to an RT-AC68U.
I'm going to leave it alone and see what happens. If it starts acting flaky again, I'll likely get frustrated enough to just revert back to router/AP. Really hoping they get this sorted.
Anybody else with wired backhaul seeing it revert back to wifi with setting at "auto"? Tried switching it to Ethernet in the "more config" section, but had a lot of problems. Left it at "auto" when I did the last reset on the node, but even though it showed as wired, it eventually went back to wifi.
We got all the same problems, check this uptime sheet, thats shows for how long I had the connection off,
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I managed all the nodes to WIRED but even with this the two nodes shows that they are connected by WIFI too, I dont know if it´s a error or if they are really connected to the main aimesh router, maybe the wifi drops happens because of it
Let´s wait for a new FW or a merlim version of it...