OK, let's try to confirm few things (please kindly reply to each line):
- you did power cycle your modem and the router (modems are evil - just a feature by design

- with
VPN Client OFF on the router, you can connect to Internet (obviously)
- with
VPN Client OFF on the router, you can run PIA client on a PC and connects to both PIA server and you can browse Internet on that system
- with
VPN Client ON on the router, the PC which does
NOT have PIA installed, you are connected to the router, but cannot access to Internet
NOTE: even if you uninstall the PIA client from PC, you may still need to run network troubleshooter (built-in into Windows) to re-enable DHCP and possibly other setting PIA messes up.
I suggest to download the latest version of the network driver - I personally gone thru scenario where no matter what I do I could not get Internet working on a specific system where I had PIA installed, uninstalled the NIC driver, reboot, installed it back - and it worked! (not saying it is necessary this case here, but who knows)