384.10 is working great on my end.
My ISP is now throttling the VPN protocol connection and ports ( TCP and UDP ) and I am wondering if there's anyway to force the connection to use the SSL Protocol for AirVPN with Asus-WRT Merlin? Thanks!
Hi BuckyBucky
yes, I have my Merlin router setup to do this. I found the AirVPN forum post below useful
but in summary, you'll need to
1. install stunnel and screen e.g. via entware -
2. generate the required airvpn config files (airvpn client area > config generator > select advanced > select linux > *select udp (or tcp) > select ssl (port 443) > choose a single/specific server of your choice)
* you can probably skip this step and just select ssl as you will only need these three files:
3. use wan-start script to create the stunnel on startup, e.g.
sleep 20
screen -wipe
screen -dmS airvpnstunnel stunnel /jffs/stunnel/airvpn_<servername>_SSL-443.ssl
4. put the .crt file in same folder as the .ssl file (e.g. /jffs/stunnel/) and edit the .ssl file to have the correct filepath for the .crt file, e.g.
CAfile = /jffs/stunnel/stunnel.crt
5. reboot, or execute the wan-start script
6. add airvpn client to merlin gui using the airvpn_<servername>_SSL-443.ovpn file generated above
Note: It was some time ago I set this up so I've tried to include everything I can remember you'll need but without going through setting it up again I'm not 100% sure it's all there
btw, switching from udp/tcp to ssl my vpn increased from ~20-25Mbps to ~30-35Mbps (when I was using an ac68u). I've now got an ac86u and vpn is around 80-90Mbps. My connection is 100Mbps and I get around 90-95Mbps when not using vpn.
edit: there is now an official guide here:
https://airvpn.org/ssl/ - (doesn't mention using screen though)
Hope this helps