Recent purchase of RT-AC86U from Amazon UK (I say that only because it indicates I have a fairly recent revision) running virgin (no scripts, no changes, no USB connected etc) 384.10_2 dirty upgraded to 384.11 this evening.
All running buttery smooth, but a couple of observations:
1. 384.11, like 384.10_2 Network Map -> clients, is all a bit hit and miss. Sometimes it shows loads of clients (about the correct number) and then randomly zero or very small numbers. No big deal, because System log -> DHCP Leases is working great - as is System log -> Connections (which I think is a new addition? - anyhow, works great).
2. Traffic Analyser ->Traffic Monitor -> Real-Time sometimes completely stops and shows a completely blank graph and data table below, but it seems to restart after a while. Concurrently, the Android App still shows real-time traffic, so it really isn't a biggie.
3. Now working correctly (wasn't in 384.10_2) is device IP addresses in the Android app. For example, a device that had an IP address of (for real) showed as in the Android app (I know, I thought that I was smoking something as well...) but it is fine now.
Additionally, as others have reported, in 384.10_2 I have had the HTTP interface go unresponsive - so only time will tell with 384.11. I also saw memory usage jump dramatically from 50% to 70% in 384.10_2. Still happens with 384.11 - but the culprit is the Android app

Bottom line: It is a great update -
a BIG thanks Merlin.