Part of the Furniture
Before flashing the latest version 384.12 from Merlin on a new RT-AC86U with pre-installed stock firmware, do you need to WPS NVRAM Erase?
Or is it enough to make a factory default reset in the webui of the router?
Which reset is correct if I follow the recommendations of the RMerlin/L&LD? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First, flash the firmware you want to use or test. In this case RMerlin 384.12.
Now, follow the M&M Config guide.
On a new router (even one I take the shrink wrap off myself) I would be following the Nuclear Reset guide to ensure that there are no weird inter-firmware interactions at all. Just because it's new, doesn't mean it hasn't been used to test various firmware.

Both the M&M Config and the Nuclear Reset guides (along with many others) can be found in the link in my signature below.