I am new here, and first, I would like to praise Rmerlin for his great work with Asus routers.
I am always amazed at how some people devote their personal time to share projects like this firmware developpment.
After many readings of the
https://routersecurity.org/ blog, where I learnt many things, I decided to replace my ISP router + 2 Airport Extreme AP with a proper router.
First, I bought a Synology RT 2600 AC. Great interface and I know they are pretty serious with updates.
Unfortunately, the router does not support hardware management for openVPN client (discovered it at my own expense).
Therefore I returned it and took instead an Asus router as it seems they are also serious with firmware update (at least more than the other consumer brands).
A nice AX92U.
openVPN is hardware supported, wifi 6 capable (at this stage eventhough it does not mean much yet)...
But after some tweaking, I can see that Asuswrt is not able to make some devices on the network to use the openVPN tunnel...and the others not...
Which Asus-Merlin can do....
Now, time to ask my question

I know that RMerlin has already said that the AX92U was not a very popular model worth his time to adapt asus-merlin for.
However, it is now sold as a single device and not only with a bundle of 2, at a reasonable price (got it at 223 EUR on Amazon).
@RMerlin: before I return my AX92U to order an AX88U, is there a chance you reconsider your position and offer support for this model sooner or later, or should I go straight to the AX88U (which is 100 EUR more costly than the AX92U) ?
I thank you in advance for your answer!