Senior Member
open up that port over tcp on the firewall.
Code:iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d $(nvram get wan_ipaddr)/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 14711 -j DNAT --to-destination $(nvram get lan_ipaddr):14711 iptables -I INPUT -d $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)/32 -p tcp -m conntrack --ctstate DNAT -m tcp --dport 14711 -j ACCEPT
while simple
Code:iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 14711 -j ACCEPT
would open the whole 14711 port.
If you prefer HTTPS, the turn on HTTPS option on adguardhome, but first make sure you have nothing using port 443 (or port 8443 if you want 8443). And point adguardhome to the location of your letsencrypt certificates in /jffs/.le
adjust the firewall rules to the https port chosen.
The better option would be to remotely access your router from its built in VPN site tunnel.
With all this being said, I would encourage anyone to use the Openvpn server provided by the asusrouter, before attempting to set up remote access like this. Also, I would encourage using the openvpn server over setting up a remotely accessible DNS server. OpenVPN is far more safer and more encrypted.
Thanks for the quick response... and the multiple methods.
I will set this up by enabling encryption, using lets Encrypt certificates and accessing it via https (443). My router DDNS access was already on a different custom port.