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[Release] FreshJR Adaptive QOS (Improvements / Custom Rules / and Inner workings)

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I'm trying to route all data from specific IP's to a specific Category via the new UI (the same way I used to do hard coded) but these IP's are still routing to their defaults after the 5 min wait. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script to clear my hard coded entries. It shows Rule 1 or 2 under tracked connection but the graph shows the data being grouped in to the default categories. What am I missing?


  • screenshot.png
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I'm trying to route all data from specific IP's to a specific Category via the new UI (the same way I used to do hard coded) but these IP's are still routing to their defaults after the 5 min wait. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script to clear my hard coded entries. It shoes Rule 1 or 2 under tracked connection but the graph shows it being grouped in to the defaults. What am I missing?

Can I get the output of

/jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -debug2
Can I get the output of

/jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -debug2


Game CIDR:

Rule1 Down: -d -j MARK --set-mark 0x80060001
Rule1 Up : -s -j MARK --set-mark 0x40060001

Rule2 Down: -d -j MARK --set-mark 0x80040001
Rule2 Up : -s -j MARK --set-mark 0x40040001

Rule3 Down:
Rule3 Up :

Rule4 Down:
Rule4 Up :

AppDB1 Down:
AppDB1 Up :

AppDB2 Down:
AppDB2 Up :

AppDB3 Down:
AppDB3 Up :

AppDB4 Down:
AppDB4 Up :

Anything wierd in system log?

Those rules look ok and tested fine on my router.

IP’s correct?

What about the output of

iptables -vL -t mangle

Anything wierd in system log?

Those rules look ok and tested fine on my router.

IP’s correct?

What about the output of

iptables -vL -t mangle

I checked the IP's and they are definitely correct and the system log looks normal.

Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 69364 packets, 35M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
8452 1311K BWDPI_FILTER udp -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 14658 packets, 1665K bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 54600 packets, 33M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 MARK all -- any br0 24 MARK xset 0x1/0x7

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 16031 packets, 15M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 MARK udp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere multiport dports !domain,ntp MARK set 0x40030001
60 60472 MARK tcp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere multiport dports !domain,ntp MARK set 0x40030001

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 70433 packets, 48M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
6651 1021K MARK udp -- any br0 anywhere anywhere multiport sports 500,4500 MARK set 0x80060001
0 0 MARK udp -- any br0 anywhere anywhere udp dpts:16384:16415 MARK set 0x80060001
0 0 MARK tcp -- any br0 anywhere anywhere multiport sports nntp,snews MARK set 0x80030001
0 0 MARK all -- any br0 anywhere anywhere mark match 0x40000000/0xc0000000 MARK xset 0x80000000/0xc0000000
20 8137 MARK tcp -- any br0 anywhere anywhere mark match 0x80080000/0xc03f0000 multiport sports www,https MARK set 0x 803f0001
6648 1020K MARK all -- any br0 anywhere scrmcagni-ua v2521 MARK set 0x80060001
18255 25M MARK all -- any br0 anywhere amazon-aa264 289c MARK set 0x80040001
2779 409K MARK udp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere multiport dports 500,4500 MARK set 0x40060001
0 0 MARK udp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere udp spts:16384:16415 MARK set 0x40060001
0 0 MARK tcp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere multiport dports nntp,snews MARK set 0x40030001
0 0 MARK tcp -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere mark match 0x40080000/0xc03f0000 multiport sports www,https MARK set 0x 403f0001
2779 409K MARK all -- any eth0 scrmcagni-uav2521 anywhere MARK set 0x40060001
5712 633K MARK all -- any eth0 amazon-aa264289c anywhere MARK set 0x40040001
21328 3307K all -- any eth0 anywhere anywhere

Chain BWDPI_FILTER (1 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 DROP udp -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere udp spt:bootpc dpt:bootps
0 0 DROP udp -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere udp spt:bootps dpt:bootpc

Are you on v8.2? (v8.1 had a bug with the mis-labeling the categories next to the pie chart )

Iptables shows the rules working.

Are you on v8.2? (v8.1 had a bug with the mis-labeling the categories next to the pie chart )

Iptables shows the rules working.

Yes. I double checked that as well.

EDIT: Well, I just did a reboot again and for whatever reason it seems to be working correctly now. Sorry about that.
Yes. I double checked that as well.

EDIT: Well, I just did a reboot again and for whatever reason it seems to be working correctly now. Sorry about that.

No idea what was going on. Will suggest reboot in future.


1) to clear a rule you don’t have to reinstall the script. You simply leave the field blank

2) you can also rename the name appearing in the tracked connections table by using the terminal interactive rule editor (leave blank to reset as always)
It is possible but I am not sure it’s worth the effort to backport an alternate webpage for outdated firmware’s.

Are you never planning to update?? Visually seeing your rules take effect in the connection table after creation is great.

The following takes you the a similar table like structure.

/jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -rules

unfortunately, for some stupid reason, AC56U has become an EOL router for Asus :( nevertheless, its an ARM dual core with a lot of ram and very capable router.

Update has been pushed

-bug fixes
-backport UI to partially display on v382+ instead of v384.9+

WOW! thats really great! MANY THANKS!

ps. tracked connections table is empty (384.6)

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Yup, I said backported the UI to partially display on older firmware’s

It is not possible to get the tracked connections portion working on older firmware’s simply by replacing the webpage.

To do so would require recompiling & installing a modified version of the older firmware so the WebUI could get access to an additional data source it requires.

(I didn’t bother hiding the unsupported elements unless you really want me too)

I don’t have the environment setup to compile from source nor do I have the router to test the results on, so it’s a dead end to provide a modified firmware from my end. Maybe you can ask RMerlin if he would be willing to provide one final update to your router.
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Updated RT-AX88U from FreshJR QOS V8.0 to V8.2 via update command, and installed without a hitch, and everything working great so far. Thanks FreshJR! (Will be updating the RT-AC3100 when time is available, but testing limited as it is mainly a secondary backup now)

In testing out the "-menu" feature, the only issue I noted is as follows:

1. When you choose "1" to explain functionality, when it says "Press Any Key to Return", you should change it to "Press Enter to Return", as any other keys do not work and only "Enter" returns you to the previous menu (this is the same for other menu options)
I tried to do the update on my RT-AC3100, via SSH earlier, and it wouldn't do anything. I ended up formatting JFFS, and restarted my router, and installed the script again. Which worked okay. I even tried uninstalling the script via SSH, and it acted like it accepted the command, but wasn't applied. I even tried waiting up to 5 minutes, to see if it just got hung up, and still didn't work.

Overall not a big deal at all.. Just wanted to mention it here, as I wasn't able to update the script via SSH, and the menu.

I’m going to need a little more information to look into it.

Did you see curl download progress when running the update command?

How did you verify that the uninstall command didn’t work? (Were you able to enter the script menu after running the command)


Whoops thought I resolved that. Will be pushed on next update as it’s not critical.


Yup, still the same as first post.

Do not use device priority. It’s broken beyond belief.

Users currently requiring reboot have me a little concerned as it shouldn’t be required.... no idea what the issue is as I cannot replicate it.

If the cause of the glitch was that the 5 minute wait for the tc structure modification was not a sufficient amount of time then the issue should of corrected itself at 3:30am (reapplication of script would be logged in the system log).

The fix for affected users would be to simply increase the modification wait time again, but I cannot confirm that is the source of the issue with the information on hand.

With the glitch, there was no reason for user iptable rules not to work (as that is separate from tc modifications) so I have no idea what is going on where some users require a reboot.
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@FreshJR I know when i did the update command, it showed "curl" but no other info showed. No kind of progress, or such. As for the uninstall command, after I did the command, pretty sure it showed me a blank cmd line after, nothing else came up. I even left things idle for a couple minutes, however nothing ever came of it.

Like I said in my other post, I ended up going to the "Administration - System" page, and marking it to format "JFFS" on reboot. Which I hit the reboot button on the webgui after, and oddly something blocked it from performing the reboot. So I ended up pushing the power button off, and on. After the router rebooted, I just did the install cmd, and it installed version 8.2 just fine.

It was weird, and hopefully just a hiccup I ran into, however I posted here, just in case others run into this, and if they see my comment, they can just format "JFFS" and reinstall the script. There's one last thing I just remembered as well. When I pulled up the menu, which I think "2" was shown as option to update the script. When I typed 2, and hit enter. It didn't go to the update cmd. I think it actually pulled up the "Rules" table instead. Overall not a big issue at all, just figured I would mention it here, as it happen while I tried to update from version 8 to 8.2.
Okay @FreshJR like I said before I manually rebooted the router, none of the cmds I did via SSH worked. The update cmd itself is "/jffs/scripts/FreshJR_QOS -update" correct? As I tried it, without using the menu option, after I hit enter, it would show "curl" but nothing else showed. It's a none issue for me now... I don't think I did anything wrong, just something got hung up, when I tried to run the update cmd.

Have a good one @FreshJR
We all greatly appreciate the QoS improvement's you have created.
^^^ You have to give it the -update argument.

Small bug report though:

After updating, very last question is to see if I want the script to restart qos or no, I hit 2 (no) and it gives me a "bad number" with "[:" IIRC.
^^^ You have to give it the -update argument.

Small bug report though:

After updating, very last question is to see if I want the script to restart qos or no, I hit 2 (no) and it gives me a "bad number" with "[:" IIRC.


Don't worry about the error message during the time being. Both yes/no inputs still work as expected.
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Hi Fresh, thanks for the hard work on making your script more accessible and user friendly. I have an issue, my PS4 downloads are taking the entire bandwidth, causing my IPTV box to buffer like crazy. How do change the priorities for the marks and classes? the boxes are greyed-out in the UI.

This mark: MARK:08008E "Game Transfering" is the one acting crazy...
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