productid = RT-AC56U@dave14305 kindly suggested a Hotfix, for @john9527's LTS Release,
which doesn't have the required NVRAM variable as expected, so your RT-AC56U presumably doesn't have all of the latest v384.xx NVRAM variable names either.Code:if [ "$(uname -o)" == "ASUSWRT-Merlin-LTS" ];then # v1.26 HotFix @dave14305 [ $(nvram get ntpd_server) == "0" ] && { echo -e $cBRED"\a\t[✖] ***ERROR Enable local NTP server=NO $cRESET \t\t\t\t\tsee $HTTP_TYPE://$(nvram get lan_ipaddr):$HTTP_PORT/Advanced_System_Content.asp ->Basic Config"$cRESET 2>&1; ERROR_CNT=$((ERROR_CNT + 1)); } || echo -e $cBGRE"\t[✔] Enable local NTP server=YES" 2>&1 else
I suspect using 'uname -o' wouldn't be useful. Can you post the output of
Alternatively flash the unit to @john9527's LTS ReleaseCode:nvram get productid nvram get odmpid uname -o
odmpid = RT-AC56R
uname-o = ASUSWRT-Merlin
Also, when DNSFilter is enabled, the same glitch appears (in green). It may be related to the fact that the DNSFilter was migrated to the LAN page after 384.6.