I'm curious to just how well this router will work gaming wise. I'm a gamer myself, and after spending a good amount of money on routers the last couple years. I want to know a bit more before I spend $400 on this router. I have read the info they have provided about it to this point. However I just wonder how well it handles giving priority to gaming devices, and not allowing things like torrent p2p traffic from hogging bandwidth, to the point its still causing latency spikes, and such. Because honestly it can give gaming devices highest priority, but if it is allowing other devices to saturate your overall connection. Say goodbye to a decent, steady connection when it comes to gaming.
Also I literally laugh to myself when I hear "Well since you have a 300/30 connection, things like QoS won't really matter for you." That's so off based imho, as I mentioned above. You can have one device on your network running a torrent client, and easily affect your overall connection. Even at these higher rates like 300/30. All it takes is someone in your home using half of your 30mbps upload, and I can put money on it your latency will increase decently, and jitter itself will become a factor. Anyways I want to like a router like this, and it would be nice if ASUS actually did there homework, and spent time designing this router to help improve GAMING for people.
Ultimately it comes down to the QoS your ISP is providing you, first, and foremost. As there's no features in the world a router can provide, to fix poor service you might be receiving from your internet provider.