Very Senior Member
Sure. Here is my services-start:I wonder why it is firing off so many times to start :/
Can you please check that something hasn't gone awry in /jffs/scripts/services-start please?
/jffs/scripts/uiScribe startup # uiScribe
/jffs/scripts/connmon startup # connmon
if [ -x /jffs/scripts/MountNAS.sh ]; then
/jffs/scripts/MountNAS.sh # mount local QNap Nas
/jffs/scripts/ntpmerlin startup # ntpMerlin
cru a root_servers "12 4 * * * curl -o \/opt\/var\/lib\/unbound\/root\.hints https://www.internic.net/domain/named.cache" # unbound_manager
cru a UpdateRPZ "*/15 * * * * /opt/var/lib/unbound/rpzupdate.sh"
/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_rpz.sh startup # Unbound_RPZ.sh
/jffs/addons/unbound/ubcash restore & # Restire Unbound cache if not too old
/jffs/scripts/spdmerlin startup & # spdMerlin
Note - MountNAS.sh is a one-line script that mounts my local NAS share (smb)
ubcash restore is a home made script that reloads unbounds cache if less than 10 mins old.
If you want, I can comment out various scripts.