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spdMerlin spdMerlin - Automated speedtests with graphs

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I was waiting to see someone report on this one - I've not updated yet as I was mulling over if it is still useful due to the high speed limitations

I have the same problem w/ screens...

Agree with your reservations re: usefulness... That said, for my current locations not-particularly-superfast bandwidth (~200Mb), the measurements are pretty consistent with other devices, but if this was like gigabit I imagine it'd be a problem.

And to concur w/ some other comments - for this to be a great tool for me I'd want better control over when it runs (agree 2x hr too frequent but more-over, would like to have 'blacklist' hours aka evening-streaming-time to not compete with near-real-time apps and family-complaints about stuttering when the test bangs up against the limiter). Yes of course I can fiddle the cron entries, would just be fun if there was a nice menu for it.
editing the crontab to run 2x a day at non critical hours gives me what i needed

yes but the only problem with that is when you run su against amtm it identifies any script that you have changed cru to mini upd required !!
I’m liking the configurable schedule to run speedtests, thank you very much [emoji106]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I think there is a mistake in the spdmerlin.sh file at line number 328.
rrdtool restore -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.xml" "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.rrd"
Should be:
rrdtool restore -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.xml" "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_rrd.rrd"

When installing the script and running a speedtest I got the following message:
ERROR: opening '/jffs/scripts/spdmerlin.d/spdstats_rrd.rrd': No such file or directory
I think there is a mistake in the spdmerlin.sh file at line number 328.
rrdtool restore -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.xml" "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.rrd"
Should be:
rrdtool restore -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_xml.xml" "$SCRIPT_DIR/spdstats_rrd.rrd"

When installing the script and running a speedtest I got the following message:
ERROR: opening '/jffs/scripts/spdmerlin.d/spdstats_rrd.rrd': No such file or directory
Fixed, thanks for reporting
Saw a small layout fault:

    printf "\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m############################################################\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##                   _  __  __              _  _          ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##                  | ||  \/  |            | |(_)         ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##   ___  _ __    __| || \  / |  ___  _ __ | | _  _ __    ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##  / __|| '_ \  / _  || |\/| | / _ \| '__|| || || '_ \   ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##  \__ \| |_) || (_| || |  | ||  __/| |   | || || | | |  ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##  |___/| .__/  \__,_||_|  |_| \___||_|   |_||_||_| |_|  ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##      | |                                               ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##      |_|                                               ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##                                                        ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##                 %s on %-9s                    ##\\e[0m\\n" "$SCRIPT_VERSION" "$ROUTER_MODEL"
    printf "\\e[1m##                                                        ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##        https://github.com/jackyaz/spdMerlin            ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m##                                                        ##\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\e[1m############################################################\\e[0m\\n"
    printf "\\n"
Last edited:
@Jack Yaz

I installed spdMerlin a couple of days ago and just noticed my Y axis scaling isn’t from zero to 36 or so, but is from 32 to 36. That makes a small change seem more drastic than it really is. But I understand the reasoning. Perhaps in a future version there could be the option to toggle between a zero-to-Ymax scaling and the current stock-exchange style of Ymin to Ymax?

Regardless, it’s still a brilliant script.
@Jack Yaz

I installed spdMerlin a couple of days ago and just noticed my Y axis scaling isn’t from zero to 36 or so, but is from 32 to 36. That makes a small change seem more drastic than it really is. But I understand the reasoning. Perhaps in a future version there could be the option to toggle between a zero-to-Ymax scaling and the current stock-exchange style of Ymin to Ymax?

Regardless, it’s still a brilliant script.
these graphs will be going away in favour of those used by uiDivStats :)
I miss the days of using speed merlin to do a reboot.. it is such a great tool for those of the lesser speed category. you did an awesome job JACK. I really hope you keep up the awesome work on these scripts.
Very nice, thank you [emoji4]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
How to configure schedule for automatic tests, one or two probe each hour :
With settings correct?
Start: 0 - End: 23
Tests will run at 0 and 30 past the hour
sorry if this is off-topic, is there a command to toggle the automatic speed test without opening spdmerlin? I'm trying to create an ssh shortcut.

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