I thought that you shouldd try to set this into your config:
I thought that you shouldd try to set this into your config:
PersistentKeepalive = 25
PersistentKeepalive = 25
Thanks but it's there already. It is a very specific issue I think, because I went to remove WAN cable from R9000 to see how will the Kamoj addon behave and it behaved properly, the green status became red and when I put ethernet cable back to WAN port, once the router regained the internet, the red shield became green again. In between the ISP WAN was also working for a bit - which is proper considering kill switches are disabled.@primitivo
I thought that you shouldd try to set this into your config:
Code:PersistentKeepalive = 25
Hello,Hello, just want to report in real quick, using the latest Voxel 85SF and Kamoj 30b. One time when I was using the button on OpenVPN client to disconnect, like when I press the checkmark to disconnect, then make some tweaks to the config file to test speeds, then connect again. The router kinda frooze, I then clicked on system information just to see if itll load, but nothing was loading. Did a power off on the router and power on, but router couldnt be access. So just did the daisy touch, hold down the reset button while powering on, then used a program for Mac OSX to do "put file" and put Voxel's firmware again and Kamoj addon. Not sure why the system frooze, mabye I was clicking too fast the disconnect and connect, then clicked another place to access the system info.
Hello,Thanks but it's there already. It is a very specific issue I think, because I went to remove WAN cable from R9000 to see how will the Kamoj addon behave and it behaved properly, the green status became red and when I put ethernet cable back to WAN port, once the router regained the internet, the red shield became green again. In between the ISP WAN was also working for a bit - which is proper considering kill switches are disabled.
The issue is not with router related connectivity, as this addon handles pretty well. The issue is with your Wireguard connection being terminated by VPN server and Kamoj addon basically trying to restart it but if it doesn't we end up with infinite loop, which results in lacking internet completely despite WAN ISP being up. Below is a full WG log, I have forced termination of my Wireguard session on the server at 01:24:
2021-05-21 01:24:28; 679.63; [WireGuard]; [rc.common 17330 Information: Show pin - Pastebin.com
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As you can see it took more than 5 mins to re-establish WG connection, while no internet was working on any device, although WAN ISP was up. Killswitch is disabled.
Now, to make matter worse is that in the case above it has at least regained the connection after 5 mins as the config file did not change. The bigger problem is when termination of the connection on VPN server (by VPN provider) = invalidation of the WG config keys, then we are doomed as the connection cannot be re-established and nothing works until we manually disconnect WG, generate new config keys and re-connect.
Any take on how to solve such issue? I wonder if someone has come across similar issue?
@kamoj add on works very well for me, it is very stable and I face no disconnection. There is a specific behaviour which I can trigger to result in no internet both via VPN or WAN. I found it by mistake and the only proper way to show it is to let e.g. @kamoj run my WG config which I will terminate by generating new config on the same server IP. Once @kamoj is back to development, I will see if he is interested in debugging it.I live in a rural area with crummy internet and sometimes "iffy" power (has a 30 KVA backup generator because of it); so I sometimes have internet connection issues. However, with the Kamoj Addon, the VPN has been very reliable for some time now. I haven't ran WG lately, but in the past it has worked just as well for me as OpenVPN. I have used Azire and Windscribe WG, both have been very reliable not just on the router but on my other devices too... so maybe I have not experience the same kind of disconnect issues. Anyway I haven't seen the same issue on my R9000.
Afaik the only way to get accurate Bandwidth monitoring is to disable the hardware acceleration, for instance via kamoj setting: Disable NSS Network SubSystem Acceleration.Hi @kamoj
I last reported on the Bandwidth Monitor on May 4. I have been monitoring it carefully since then, and it isn't working well for me.
My ISP reports that I have used 142 GB of data in May. All of that must go through the R7800 router. The number is roughly equivalent to the amount measured by Networx, another tool I use.
By comparison, the Kamoj add-on is reporting 208 MB d/l and 837 MB u/l, for a total of 1035 MB. This is a radical disparity (and I know from other tools that my d/l data is typically ~11x my u/l data).
Are there any tests that I can run for you to help debug the Bandwidth Monitor?
Thanks for the reply! Yes after this incident, I never had it againHello,
That's odd. So far I have had zero instances of the router "freezing". I have had the web ui become unresponsive and had to restart my browser or open a new browser instance for it to begin working again - but that was several versions (of the Add-on) ago.
However, I did come home the other day and found my router had lost internet connection. Restarting it got the connection back but my HTPC still had no internet. A very quick look in the logs showed nothing. I ended up reinstalling Voxel and Kamoj ... and all is well again. The odd thing is, one of my NAS units was acting flaky too and I ended up resetting it. Wish I had the time to dig into it more but the "crew" threatens mutiny without internet. Any way, I doubt it was related to Voxel / Kamoj and all is good.
Best wishes,
If that is true, the limitation and the required configuration should be flagged on the Bandwidth Usage page. Or perhaps access to the Bandwidth Usage page should be blocked unless hardware acceleration is disabled. Why have an ostensible feature that doesn't work?Afaik the only way to get accurate Bandwidth monitoring is to disable the hardware acceleration, for instance via kamoj setting: Disable NSS Network SubSystem Acceleration.
And then it is a matter of testing whether the router is still fast enough, or else decide what is more important, speed or monitoring.
Interesting. I can see how the "inaccurate bandwidth monitoring" notification would be useful when NSS is enabled. Even though you may not get accurate results, at least you can monitor the relative usage and see for example if one device is using a lot more bandwidth than normal.If that is true, the limitation and the required configuration should be flagged on the Bandwidth Usage page. Or perhaps access to the Bandwidth Usage page should be blocked unless hardware acceleration is disabled. Why have an ostensible feature that doesn't work?
Also is there any guide how to setup DNS-over-TLS on specific port if I only have the url address provided? I have tried to enable Stubby but based on what I saw inside, all the servers there had much more data than I have (like public keys for instance etc). I only have domain name + port, that's it. How do I set it up? Also does this setup make the DNS set on internet WAN page redundant?
DNS-over-HTTPS is fine too, however I have no idea how to add custom server to DNSCrypt 2.
Thread starter | Title | Forum | Replies | Date |
M | Kamoj Kamoj Addon 5.5 Beta for Netgear R7800/R8900/R9000 with Voxel FW - Continuation | NETGEAR AC Routers and Adapters (Wi-Fi 5) | 33 |
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