Some more observations re Asus's still flaky Network Table in a separate post.
I installed the Alpha on a Hard Reset RT-AX88U Pro that I picked up second hand for US$100 and re-entered all the settings from my screen caps, then added a RT-AX3000 as an AIMESH Node.
I thought I would post my trials and observations in a separate thread and link it from here as these are a bit long winded and include (inter-alia) issues that are not unknown, mainly surrounding the maximum no of Wifi Interfaces, which reached a maximum far earlier than I expected, essentially it seemed to limit the interface to ONE set per node?) and the Client List, which is ASUS closed source). They are also more in response to queries raised in that thread (which has an obscure subject line, apologies).
The big issue for me was a limited no of Wifi Interfaces, which seemed (with Two VLANs Guest and IoT), to be limited to one or the other (unless I am not setting it up right, see that post and these screencaps for details.
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