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amtm amtm 4.9 - the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu, June 30, 2024

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On a different note, I noticed that amtm displays Access Point (AP) operation mode for my AiMesh and Media Bridge devices.
I dug a bit and found this thread, which seemed to suggest there's more than one nvram variable at play.
Then I checked the nvram values for my devices and I got:

Media Bridge (RT-AC68U, RT-N66U):

AiMesh node (RT-AC86U):

Main router (RT-AX88U):

So i modified locally amtm code with the following snippet:
 OM='Operation Mode:'
                case "$(nvram get sw_mode)" in
                        1) echo " $OM Wireless router";;
                        2) echo " $OM Repeater";;
                        3) case "$(nvram get wlc_psta)" in
                                1) echo " $OM Media Bridge";;
                                2) echo " $OM AiMesh Node";;
                                *) echo " $OM Access Point (AP)";;
                        4) echo " $OM Media Bridge";;
                        5) echo " $OM AiMesh Node";;
                        *) echo " $OM $(nvram get sw_mode), as-yet-unknown";;
and it seems to work, at least in my limited scenario. I have no idea if values 4 and 5 for sw_mode are still being used, so I just left them in there.
Hoping this post is useful, but obviously in the low-priority minor improvement suggestion category. :)
On a different note, I noticed that amtm displays Access Point (AP) operation mode for my AiMesh and Media Bridge devices.
I dug a bit and found this thread, which seemed to suggest there's more than one nvram variable at play.
Then I checked the nvram values for my devices and I got:

Media Bridge (RT-AC68U, RT-N66U):

AiMesh node (RT-AC86U):

Main router (RT-AX88U):

So i modified locally amtm code with the following snippet:
 OM='Operation Mode:'
                case "$(nvram get sw_mode)" in
                        1) echo " $OM Wireless router";;
                        2) echo " $OM Repeater";;
                        3) case "$(nvram get wlc_psta)" in
                                1) echo " $OM Media Bridge";;
                                2) echo " $OM AiMesh Node";;
                                *) echo " $OM Access Point (AP)";;
                        4) echo " $OM Media Bridge";;
                        5) echo " $OM AiMesh Node";;
                        *) echo " $OM $(nvram get sw_mode), as-yet-unknown";;
and it seems to work, at least in my limited scenario. I have no idea if values 4 and 5 for sw_mode are still being used, so I just left them in there.
Hoping this post is useful, but obviously in the low-priority minor improvement suggestion category. :)
Thanks, I‘ll check that on my routers and implement.
amtm 4.5.1 is now available

What's new in this patch release

  • Corrected uiDivStats version number detection.
  • Corrected Disk check options to actual number, thanks @jksmurf for reporting.
  • Better detection of device operation mode in header, thanks to @DeDragonSlayer for reporting. Note that it is nearly impossible to know the exact mode because of the way it's determined.
  • Because of the above, the NVRAM values for sw_mode and wlc_psta are shown in the a about screen.
Seems to work good. I had some weird stuff w/ 4.5 happen like the uiDivStats didn't work then I did a amtm reset and then it seemed to work but then it didn't again and had some weird stuff w disk check too but upgrade seemed to work fine and all looks proper now in both regards (uiDivStats and disk check).
- amtm can now keep a history of entered shell commands with sh. This is the same feature that Diversion always provided by default but has now been moved to amtm. The move from Diversion to amtm is seamless if Diversion is updated before amtm, no user interaction is necessary.
I just had to reinstall everything on my venerable AC68U after my AX86U died. I wondered why it wasn't keeping my shell history, until I read this.

I just executed the sh command. I'll report back later.

Thank you @thelonelycoder !
I just had to reinstall everything on my venerable AC68U after my AX86U died. I wondered why it wasn't keeping my shell history, until I read this.

I just executed the sh command. I'll report back later.

Thank you @thelonelycoder !
On new installs the shell history is not enabled by default as it was in Diversion.
amtm 4.5.2 is now available

What's new in this patch release

  • Accurate script version check comparison method, this slipped by in 4.5.1. Thanks to @vlord for reporting.
  • File check and wording changes concerning updates.
amtm 4.5.2 is now available

What's new in this patch release

  • Accurate script version check comparison method, this slipped by in 4.5.1. Thanks to @vlord for reporting.
  • File check and wording changes concerning updates.
Updated from Amsterdam.
Thanks for the release! Microscopic nitpicking - diversion.ch page still shows changelog for 4.5 :)
amtm 4.6 is now available

Whats new

  • Fix for incorrect SWAP unmount entry. If you use a swap file, open sw in amtm to check after updating amtm. If "Entry in /jffs/scripts/unmount corrected" is shown the entry needed correction. Use e to exit.
  • Adds support for TAILMON - WireGuard-based Tailscale installer, configurator and monitor by @Viktor Jaep.
  • Rearranged order and grouping of available scripts in the amtm UI.
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have multiple ppl in household using iOS shortcut for diversion to temp disable ad-blocking if causing them headache... has created problem of people forgetting to re-enable it however.

what should i cron every 30mins or so, that'll enable adblocking? or make sure its running.
have multiple ppl in household using iOS shortcut for diversion to temp disable ad-blocking if causing them headache... has created problem of people forgetting to re-enable it however.

what should i cron every 30mins or so, that'll enable adblocking? or make sure its running.
I just disabled ad blocking on diversion. Something is broken as nothing can connect right now. Took me about 30 minutes to narrow it down to diversion ad blocking.

Edit: tried a different block list and same issue
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well not sure about that one... sounds like somethings gone haywire for you.

to answer my own simple question - bash script with code below running on routers cron working well...

# Enable diversion
diversion enable
# Check and enable adblocker
output=$(diversion a)
if echo "$output" | grep -q '*disabled*'; then
    echo "ad-blocking was disabled, re-enabling!"
    diversion a
    echo "ad-blocking enabled!"
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well not sure about that one... sounds like somethings gone haywire for you.

to answer my own simple question - bash script with 'diversion enable' on routers cron looks to be doing the job.
Yea sorry I re-read your comment and definitely read it wrong the first time.
I just disabled ad blocking on diversion. Something is broken as nothing can connect right now. Took me about 30 minutes to narrow it down to diversion ad blocking.

Edit: tried a different block list and same issue

No issues here w Diversion 5.1.3 and all kinda devices doing all kinda stuff since updating AMTM couple days ago. Sounds like a local issue for you.
amtm 4.7 is now available

Whats new

This update focuses on the new Entware repair options in amtm. Thanks to @ColinTaylor for triggering this idea.
The ep menu has now a new entry called 4. Entware repair options.
  • Option 1 reinstalls Entware over the existing installation. This will make sure all necessary Entware core files are present.
  • Option 2 reinstalls all installed packages. This may help when some weird errors occur with Entware packages. Be aware that certain package config files will be overwritten by default values.
For the second option an additional warning is given when selected that config files may be overwritten. Be sure to have a backup ready with bm BACKUPMON.
The order of troubleshooting Entware installations is to run option 1 first, then option 2.

Additionally, the option of reusing an existing Entware installation during the Entware installation will automatically reinstall Entware over the existing previous installation.
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Cool. There was that spate of Entware dependency faults in some packages some time ago, this could be helpful in those cases.
amtm 4.7 is now available

Whats new

This update focuses on the new Entware repair options in amtm. Thanks to @ColinTaylor for triggering this idea.
The ep menu has now a new entry called 4. Entware repair options.
  • Option 1 reinstalls Entware over the existing installation. This will make sure all necessary Entware core files are present.
  • Option 2 reinstalls all installed packages. This may help when some weird errors occur with Entware packages. Be aware that certain package config files will be overwritten by default values.
For the second option an additional warning is given when selected that config files may be overwritten. Be sure to have a backup ready with bm BACKUPMON.
The order of troubleshooting Entware installations is to run option 1 first, then option 2.

Additionally, the option of reusing an existing Entware installation during the Entware installation will automatically reinstall Entware over the existing previous installation.
@thelonelycoder ... wanted to report minor display issue after update... still showing v4.6 installed, and looks like this is 4.7 because I'm seeing the new Entware options. Thank you for adding this functionality! I hope this prevents many forced drive reformats!! :)

@thelonelycoder ... wanted to report minor display issue after update... still showing v4.6 installed, and looks like this is 4.7 because I'm seeing the new Entware options. Thank you for adding this functionality! I hope this prevents many forced drive reformats!! :)

View attachment 58659
Fixed version number. This will trigger an update to the actual amtm 4.7
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