So you're stable with 386.12, but not the sub-releases (.12.2, 12.4, 12.6)?Same situation here, i'm currently stable with 386.12, all the new builds create problems on wifi and i notice that the problems continue to be reported. Unfortunately Merlin's hands are tied and he can't do more than this, for now i'll stay on .12 and let AdGuardHome manage the DNSSEC.
How does your history with the recent firmwares look; were you rock stable over a significant period of time at any point going backwards with 386.11, .10, .9?
I'm saying "for a significant period of time" because as I mentioned, I have experienced rare (approx 1-3 weeks between) crashes with at least .11, even if it was seemingly stable from day to day until that.
I'm now back on .10 crossing my fingers that I can land on a long term stable version to fall back on. Going forward, at the slightest hint of trouble with newer versions, I'm going to revert to it (I hope to find a newer 100% stable release with the next landmark GPL release tho, as the .10 is almost a year old)
(seriously considering putting the whole setup behind an OPNsense/pfSense box at this point, if that means I can relegate the Asus Aimesh setup to taking care of the wifi mesh network on a older, stable fw, while the Box takes care of internet access, CakeQOS and security. So sick and tired of Asus' lack of QC with new Firmware versions; it's a gamble every time, and I find myself loosing a lot lately).