Or considering that the vast majority of RT-AX88U feedback so far has been positive, maybe what's buggy is your network and not the firmware. What troubleshooting steps have you done? As someone pointed out, IoT devices that have problems connecting to Wifi can very often be fixed by resetting them. IoT tends to use the cheapest wifi solutions possible, which will often have compatibility issues with anything more modern or advanced than a bog standard 6 years old 802.11n wifi network.
With all do respect, been testing your FW for last 2 years, so I know to ID a good and stable FW when I see one.
My procedure as prevously mentioned here:
AP is updated to an alpha version- wait for 5 min to see it works OK.
After 5 minutes as alpha- update to B1.
From there- 10m to see my AP node is Ok, and Router update to Alpha- waited 5 min, didnot try any WiFi optimizations- just waited to see its working.
On Alpha-> my AX58U disconnected from network, but did not bother me.
After 30m on Router as Alpha-> update to B1, and then the party started for us.
Ax58u was not IDd, at all- and Ring device did not work- even after reset.
When try to optimize ANY device connection- it just reconnected it to the Router- instead of actual optimization as I know it from 386_5 2 which work terrific.
After few optimizations trials (which not work for real)- router reboot itself, for no good reason and no reason to mention from the log.
Factory reset all nodes in the network, and load a backup- same, same.
Tried to reboot whole network- but did not help much.
Took about 3h to realize- it is not the normal network I know.
Then, I just reverted to the last known Stable for me- everything is back to normal in 10m or so which indicates as I believe it is something with new SDK or something.
Thank you
I just hope you'd debug it

nothing else.
So far, for my network- 386 5 2, works the best.