Another time to report the WiFi issue like other users. No I'm not dumb, no it's not a magical thing. 388.1 WiFi is broken on my AX86U, never have a problem since 2 years and always dirty flashed. NEVER has a WiFi problem before (Auto DFS + 160 Mhz, no Smart Connect) always got ultra high speeds (2.5Gb/600Mb fiber). Now I'm experiencing instable WiFi with constant drops in connection (Not the WiFi cutting for all clients, it seems that this issue is a per client based (So if Wifey WiFi drops, mine is ok, and inverse is also true)).
@RMerlin I know that you don't care about WiFi but this time it's a real issue (Especially when I never experienced issue in 2 years with multiple FW and not a settings changed since). I tried nuclear reset etc always got the issue after. I tried to flashback 386.7_2 and found absolutely no problem, it runs smoothly for a week. I also know that it's probably close source, but could you please report it to Asus? You will have more power than us. I can help testing beta FW with fix. Also, if you don't trust us, redo your experiment with multiple compilation, you will see that we don't lie
Thank you for your work