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Release Asuswrt-Merlin 388.2 is now available for select models

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Factory Reset and seeing issues connecting to the admin page, get the login page then spinning circle for a very long time.
Go to the page router.asus.com or
If it does not work out, then reset the router settings with a physical button on it.
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Asuswrt-Merlin 388.2 ahora está disponible para dispositivos Wifi 6, excepto el XT12 (ya que su GPL actualmente no funciona y no se pudo arreglar a tiempo para esta versión).

Cambios desde 388.1:

388.2 (12-abr-2023)
- NOTA: Esta versión no está disponible actualmente
para el XT12 debido a problemas con la GPL de ese modelo.

- NUEVO: Soporte agregado para el RT-AX88U Pro.
- NUEVO: fusionado con GPL 388_22525.
- NUEVO: Se agregó la página de Encuesta del sitio en la pestaña Herramientas de red. Esto es
el mismo escaneo de red que esta disponible para pre-HND
modelos, con soporte Wifi 6E añadido.
- ACTUALIZADO: dnsmasq a 2.89.
- ACTUALIZADO: openvpn a 2.6.2. Si su cliente no puede conectarse
entonces su configuracion personalizada debe contener configuraciones no
ya no es compatible con OpenVPN 2.6. Revisar el sistema
Inicie sesión y, a continuación, elimine la configuración no admitida que
informado en su registro.
- ACTUALIZADO: ortiga a 3.8.1.
- ACTUALIZADO: inadyn a 2.10.0.
- ACTUALIZADO: dropbear a 2022.83.
- ACTUALIZADO: miniupnpd a 2.3.3.
- ACTUALIZADO: abre SSL a 1.1.1t.
- ACTUALIZADO: curl a 8.0.1.
- CAMBIADO: movió WiFi Radar a la pestaña Herramientas de red.
- CAMBIADO: cierre de sesión automático deshabilitado en el registro del sistema y el registro inalámbrico
- CAMBIADO: tamaño de paquete EDNS reducido de 1280 a 1232 bytes en
dnsmasq, para trabajar mejor con algunos servidores upstream
no es totalmente compatible con EDNS0.
- CAMBIADO: permitir campos vacíos en la página del cliente de WireGuard si el
el cliente esta deshabilitado. Esto permite a los usuarios manualmente
Borrar configuraciones cuando ya no estén usando un cliente.
- CORREGIDO: la redirección NTP no funcionaba correctamente con Invitado
Red, redirección eliminada para estos.
- CORREGIDO: Se agregó el ícono de herramientas faltante en la interfaz de usuario de ROG (icono contribuido
por Cody).
- CORREGIDO: DDNS se actualizó cada vez que se produjo un evento de IPv6bound6()
ocurrió incluso si la actualización de DDNS de IPv6 estaba deshabilitada.
- CORREGIDO: el registro inalambrico no mostro correctamente la direccion IPv6
para clientes con varias direcciones.
- CORREGIDO: los pings ICMPv6 se eliminarían cuando la protección DoS
fue habilitado (regresión en 388.1).


Mantenga las discusiones en este hilo sobre esta versión específica. Este hilo se bloqueará una vez que las discusiones sobre el lanzamiento se hayan calmado.

Las descargas estan aqui .
El registro de cambios está aquí .

No estoy familiarizado con "ARP". ¿Este problema con las entradas ARP estáticas tiene algo que ver con las concesiones DHCP estáticas o con la comunicación entre hosts con concesiones asignadas estáticamente? Solo me preguntaba, ya que preferiría omitir 388.2 si afecta esa función. ¡¡Un millón de gracias!!
Hola, este problema con la desaparición de las entradas permanentes de la tabla arp, muy ligado al Wake on Wan, no debería afectar a las direcciones asignadas por DHCP en el router, pero lo cierto es que con la nueva versión 382.2 me ha ocurrido algún problema de asignación, y para resolver ambas cosas me he visto obligado a volver a la versión 382.1, por lo que hasta que no resuelvan este tema personalmente no te aconsejo que hagas el cambio, y mientras tanto tendremos que estar al tanto a ver que se va comentando sobre este problema...
Hola, este problema con la desaparición de las entradas permanentes de la tabla arp, muy ligado al Wake on Wan, no debería afectar a las direcciones asignadas por DHCP en el router, pero lo cierto es que con la nueva versión 382.2 me ha ocurrido algún problema de asignación, y para resolver ambas cosas me he visto obligado a volver a la versión 382.1, por lo que hasta que no resuelvan este tema personalmente no te aconsejo que hagas el cambio, y mientras tanto tendremos que estar al tanto a ver que se va comentando sobre este problema...
Please in English!
Go to the page router.asus.com or
If it does not work out, then reset the router settings with a physical button on it.
This is what I did, and its still unusable. and its the same on multiple browsers.
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After some time i updated to 388.2 suddenly i cant delete anything from my ftp server. I can read and write but when iam trying to delete file all my clients reports "permission denied". I have only one main admin accaunt, i checked rights (r\w), and there is no issues on smb. Can someone help me with this?
Please in English!
Hello, this problem with the disappearance of the permanent entries from the arp table, widely used in Wake on Wan, should not affect the addresses assigned by DHCP in the router, but the truth is that with the new version 382.2, apart from not to be able to use Wake on Wan, I have also had a false assignment problem, so to solve both things I have been forced to go back to version 382.1, so until they resolve this issue, I personally do not advise you to do the change, and meanwhile we will have to be aware to see what is being commented on this problem...
Any further updates regarding 5Ghz issues?
No 5Ghz issues here and has never had any since the RT-AX3000 was purchased, even after many firmware updates to date. Maybe it's because of my mostly simple config.

As of today, it's day 13 for 388.2; the VPN (using Director to 3 streaming boxes) connected immediately when flashed and the only thing in the log are the VPN messages every hour.
Any further updates regarding 5Ghz issues?
With all my wierdness, 5Ghz at 160Mhz has been surprisingly rock solid under 388.2. Using the new Site Survey feature to find 36/100 free and I don't have a lot of interference around which also helps. But if I do get some it goes to 80Mhz before scaling back up to 160Mhz after a bit (see System Log / Wireless Log). Both on the AX88 and AX86 nodes working great. With my AX88u still compromised my WiFi performance suffers a bit Up and Down but on the AX86u AiMesh nodes, better results as they are doing significatly less work.

What I have found, and curious if anyone else has the same experience, while on 36/100 and 160Mhz. When going into the mobile app (haven't tried on Andriod) on the iPhone, Settings / WiFi / Wireless Settings / Network Settings - the "Enable DFS channel" setting was off. I can't quantify, measure but I feel my 5Ghz at 160Mhz be much more stable as a result of turning it on and setting a fixed channel.

Have to check that DFS setting on the mobile app after a firmware update or if changing your settings in a significant way (post reboot/restart) to make sure it's still set because that setting does get turned off.

I'll admit that maybe it's a placebo effect, but then again maybe it's not.
Give it a try and see if helps in any way improve your WiFi stability, if only to rule it out...

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Asuswrt-Merlin 388.2 is now available for Wifi 6 devices, except for the XT12 (as its GPL is currently non-functional and couldn't be fixed in time for this release).

Changes since 388.1:

388.2 (12-Apr-2023)
  - NOTE: This release is currently not available
          for the XT12 due to issues with that model's GPL.

  - NEW: Added support for the RT-AX88U Pro.
  - NEW: Merged with GPL 388_22525.
  - NEW: Added Site Survey page under Network Tools tab.  This is
         the same network scan that is available for pre-HND
         models, with Wifi 6E support added.
  - UPDATED: dnsmasq to 2.89.
  - UPDATED: openvpn to 2.6.2.  If your client fails to connect
             then your custom settings must contain settings no
             longer supported by OpenVPN 2.6.  Review the System
             Log, then remove unsupported settings that are
             reported in your log.
  - UPDATED: nettle to 3.8.1.
  - UPDATED: inadyn to 2.10.0.
  - UPDATED: dropbear to 2022.83.
  - UPDATED: miniupnpd to 2.3.3.
  - UPDATED: openssl to 1.1.1t.
  - UPDATED: curl to 8.0.1.
  - CHANGED: moved WiFi Radar to the Network Tools tab.
  - CHANGED: Disabled auto logout on System Log and Wireless Log
  - CHANGED: Reduced EDNS packet size from 1280 to 1232 bytes in
             dnsmasq, to better work with some upstream servers
             not fully supporting EDNS0.
  - CHANGED: Allow empty fields on WireGuard Client page if the
             client is disabled.  This allow users to manually
             clear settings when they are no longer using a client.
  - FIXED: NTP redirection wouldn't work properly with Guest
           Network, removed redirection for these.
  - FIXED: Added missing Tools icon on ROG UI (icon contributed
           by Cody).
  - FIXED: DDNS was being refreshed every time IPv6 bound6() event
           occured even if IPv6 DDNS update was disabled.
  - FIXED: Wireless Log wouldn't properly show IPv6 address
           for clients with multiple addresses.
  - FIXED: ICMPv6 pings would be dropped when DoS protection
           was enabled (regression in 388.1).

Please keep discussions in this thread on this specific release. This thread will be locked once release discussions have quieted down.

Downloads are here.
Changelog is here.
Will this work with ASUS TUF-AX5400 ?
hey guys, my plan is to upgrade to a GT-AXE16000 on the house ground level and get two ET12s for each of the other floors. Now the GT would run with Merlin, but for the ET12s there is no Merlin available, so they would run the stock firmware of course. The house is completely wired so I wont be using Wifi Mesh. Will it be a problem coupling the 3 devices or can I do it without problems?
Did you end up doing this? How is this setup working for you with the Merlin firmware? I'm running almost the same setup GT-AXE16000 + (2) ET12 nodes (mixed backhaul - one node wired one 6Ghz) + another AXE-16000 as a node so that I have good coverage for my 6GHz devices...finally got the config right so now I'm getting ready to throw another wrench into the mix and move to the Merlin firmware. Never a dull moment.
Those that are not experiencing issues on 5Ghz with the AX58U, are you located in the North America region or what region do you have set in Professional under Wireless?

I'm wondering if maybe here in Australia we have different internal components in the router and that is why only a number of users in this thread appear to be having issues on this latest firmware using the AX58U, I have my region in Professional set to Australia.
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Those that are not experiencing issues on 5Ghz with the AX58U, are you located in the North America region or what region do you have set in Professional under Wireless?

I'm wondering if maybe here in Australia we have different internal components in the router and that is why only a number of users in this thread appear to be having issues on this latest firmware using the AX58U, I have my region in Professional set to Australia.

I'm in US with same router and not having wifi or really any other issues at all on this release. For reference 2.4G is disabled and on 5G I'm using ch 36 and 20/40/80 no check in the 160 MHz box. There isn't any option in Wireless/Professional to set region nor anywhere else on mine, language setting in top right corner only.
I'm in US with same router and not having wifi or really any other issues at all on this release. For reference 2.4G is disabled and on 5G I'm using ch 36 and 20/40/80 no check in the 160 MHz box. There isn't any option in Wireless/Professional to set region nor anywhere else on mine, language setting in top right corner only.
I'm in Australia and this is the option we can change under Wireless > Professional on the router sold here...

With all my wierdness, 5Ghz at 160Mhz has been surprisingly rock solid under 388.2. Using the new Site Survey feature to find 36/100 free and I don't have a lot of interference around which also helps. But if I do get some it goes to 80Mhz before scaling back up to 160Mhz after a bit (see System Log / Wireless Log). Both on the AX88 and AX86 nodes working great. With my AX88u still compromised my WiFi performance suffers a bit Up and Down but on the AX86u AiMesh nodes, better results as they are doing significatly less work.

What I have found, and curious if anyone else has the same experience, while on 36/100 and 160Mhz. When going into the mobile app (haven't tried on Andriod) on the iPhone, Settings / WiFi / Wireless Settings / Network Settings - the "Enable DFS channel" setting was off. I can't quantify, measure but I feel my 5Ghz at 160Mhz be much more stable as a result of turning it on and setting a fixed channel.

Have to check that DFS setting on the mobile app after a firmware update or if changing your settings in a significant way (post reboot/restart) to make sure it's still set because that setting does get turned off.

I'll admit that maybe it's a placebo effect, but then again maybe it's not.
Give it a try and see if helps in any way improve your WiFi stability, if only to rule it out...

View attachment 49680
A matter of interest do you have a region setting under Wireless > Professional ?
Looks like Asus released a new major update for AX88U Pro Which includes fixing a memory leak. I wish Asus timed updates better as it would have nice to have had it in last GPL they provided to @RMerlin . Now the patient wait for the GPL release and Merlin’s awesome magic.

I wonder if the memory leak has anything to do with my AX88U pro becoming unstable after about a week and then needing a reboot.

ASUS RT-AX88U Pro Firmware version
62.88 MB
New features:
-Built-in Surfshark in VPN Fusion allows you to surf the internet anonymously and securely from anywhere by encrypting connections. Please refer to https://asus.click/SurfsharkVPN

-iPhone/Android USB auto backup WAN allows you to connect your phone to the router’s USB port and use it as an internet source. Please refer to https://asus.click/AutobackupWAN

-DDNS transfer allows you to transfer your ASUS DDNS hostname from your original router to the new one. Please refer to https://asus.click/ASUSDDNS

Bug fixes and functionality modifications:
-Resolved the issue with login and password changes.
-Resolved the IPSec VPN connection issues.
-Resolved the Instant Guard connection issues.
-Fixed the AiCloud login issue after unplugging and plugging the HDD into the USB port.
-Fixed the issue where Traffic Analyzer sometimes couldn't record data.
-Fixed the time display issue for the preferred upgrade time in the Auto Firmware Upgrade function.
-Fine-tuned the description for port status.
-Enabled DynDNS and No-IP DDNS to use IPv6.
-Fixed AiMesh preferred AP identification in site survey results.
-Updated timezone list for Greenland, Mexico, and Iran.
-Modified the USB application option text in dual WAN.
-Allowed WireGuard Server clients to access the Samba server.
-Fixed memory leak issue.
-Enabled the failback function when using the iOS/Android USB backup WAN.

Security updates:
-Enabled and supported ECDSA certificates for Let's Encrypt.
-Enhanced protection for credentials.
-Enhanced protection for OTA firmware updates.
-Fixed DoS vulnerabilities in firewall configuration pages. Thanks to Jinghe Gao's contribution.
-Fixed DoS vulerabilities in httpd. Thanks to Howard McGreehan.
-Fixed information disclosure vulnerability. Thanks to Junxu (Hillstone Network Security Research Institute) contribution.
-Fixed CVE-2023-28702 and CVE-2023-28703. Thanks to Xingyu Xu(@tmotfl) contribution.
-Fixed null pointer dereference vulnerabilities. Thanks to Chengfeng Ye, Prism Research Group - cse hkust contribution.
A matter of interest do you have a region setting under Wireless > Professional ?
No I don't, in either 2.4 or 5Ghz.
But in nvram I do have these;
replace ##### with wl1 or wl10 or wl11
Those that are not experiencing issues on 5Ghz with the AX58U, are you located in the North America region or what region do you have set in Professional under Wireless?

I'm wondering if maybe here in Australia we have different internal components in the router and that is why only a number of users in this thread appear to be having issues on this latest firmware using the AX58U, I have my region in Professional set to Australia.
@crkpot jumped in before I could and will add a bit more. It's possible there could be something in the Region setting that is causing the problem; Asus may have to determine that. I am also in the US and my RT-AX3000 is the same as the AX58U so FWIW, use these settings:


Many say to Disable Beamforming but I left it at the default (Enable) and have no problem. My AX mode is also Enabled even though I no longer have any AX devices but left it Enabled; again since it does not cause any problems. Not sure what channel you use but as many have suggested, find the best one for your area and set it to that. Hope that helps.
@crkpot jumped in before I could and will add a bit more. It's possible there could be something in the Region setting that is causing the problem; Asus may have to determine that. I am also in the US and my RT-AX3000 is the same as the AX58U so FWIW, use these settings:
View attachment 49689

View attachment 49690

Many say to Disable Beamforming but I left it at the default (Enable) and have no problem. My AX mode is also Enabled even though I no longer have any AX devices but left it Enabled; again since it does not cause any problems. Not sure what channel you use but as many have suggested, find the best one for your area and set it to that. Hope that helps.
These are my settings currently on 388.1 in the pictures below and these were the settings I tried on 388.2 - https://www.snbforums.com/threads/a...e-for-select-models.84524/page-14#post-836690


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