Here's the key timings.....
Jan 21 13:19:53 RT-AC68U kern.notice rc_service: service 22023:notify_rc stop_vpnclient2
Jan 21 13:20:08 RT-AC68U user.warn ( 21952 VPN Client 2 (HongKong) disconnect'd in 11 secs
15 sec to shutdown.....timeout in gui is (the gui refresh is just a countdown timer, then it reads status)
<input type="hidden" name="action_wait" value="10">
So, 5 secs too short.
Also, if you use explicit-exit-notify, that value there is added secs. Probably makes sense to set the timer to 20 sec.
PS - In my fork it's set to 15 sec if the you are changing the state of the client, or 5 sec if the client is not up and you are just changing a parameter.