Very Senior Member
We recently discovered that not every router has the "nvram" binary in the same location. Mine (AC86U) is in /bin. Apparently at least in the AC68U, nvram is in /usr/sbin.
When writing scribe, to prevent other installed entware programs from interfering, I tried to explicitly call most binaries (e.g. /bin/grep, /usr/bin/awk, etc.). No good deed going unpunished, that resulted in scribe refusing to install on AC68U due to nvram not being where I thought it was. SO, I got to wondering, I wonder if ASUS has moved other firmware binaries around that I am expecting to be where they happen to be on the AC86U.
I have an AC68U that I use for a mesh node (so I don't even install Merlin on it), and found nothing else had moved. So there's hope this is not necessary, but I'd like to check.
If I could get a few people to run the below on their routers, and let me know the model, and if any of the firmware binaries come up "MOVED". Hopefully they all say "okay". I don't need the whole list, just your router model and the ones (if any) that moved.
copy to a file, make it executable, etc. You know the drill. No rush (unless you're having problems!), just checking.
When writing scribe, to prevent other installed entware programs from interfering, I tried to explicitly call most binaries (e.g. /bin/grep, /usr/bin/awk, etc.). No good deed going unpunished, that resulted in scribe refusing to install on AC68U due to nvram not being where I thought it was. SO, I got to wondering, I wonder if ASUS has moved other firmware binaries around that I am expecting to be where they happen to be on the AC86U.
I have an AC68U that I use for a mesh node (so I don't even install Merlin on it), and found nothing else had moved. So there's hope this is not necessary, but I'd like to check.
If I could get a few people to run the below on their routers, and let me know the model, and if any of the firmware binaries come up "MOVED". Hopefully they all say "okay". I don't need the whole list, just your router model and the ones (if any) that moved.
#!/bin/sh -
[ -e /bin/cat ] && echo "cat okay" || echo "cat MOVED"
[ -e /bin/chmod ] && echo "chmod okay" || echo "chmod MOVED"
[ -e /bin/cp ] && echo "cp okay" || echo "cp MOVED"
[ -e /bin/grep ] && echo "grep okay" || echo "grep MOVED"
[ -e /bin/ln ] && echo "ln okay" || echo "ln MOVED"
[ -e /bin/ls ] && echo "ls okay" || echo "ls MOVED"
[ -e /bin/mkdir ] && echo "mkdir okay" || echo "mkdir MOVED"
[ -e /bin/mv ] && echo "mv okay" || echo "mv MOVED"
[ -e /bin/pidof ] && echo "pidof okay" || echo "pidof MOVED"
[ -e /bin/ps ] && echo "ps okay" || echo "ps MOVED"
[ -e /bin/rm ] && echo "rm okay" || echo "rm MOVED"
[ -e /bin/sed ] && echo "sed okay" || echo "sed MOVED"
[ -e /bin/tar ] && echo "tar okay" || echo "tar MOVED"
[ -e /bin/touch ] && echo "touch okay" || echo "touch MOVED"
[ -e /bin/uname ] && echo "uname okay" || echo "uname MOVED"
[ -e /sbin/syslogd ] && echo "syslogd okay" || echo "syslogd MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/awk ] && echo "awk okay" || echo "awk MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/basename ] && echo "basename okay" || echo "basenamne MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/clear ] && echo "clear okay" || echo "clear MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/cut ] && echo "cut okay" || echo "cut MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/find ] && echo "find okay" || echo "find MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/md5sum ] && echo "md5sum okay" || echo "md5sum MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/tail ] && echo "tail okay" || echo "tail MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/top ] && echo "top okay" || echo "top MOVED"
[ -e /usr/bin/unzip ] && echo "unzip okay" || echo "unzip MOVED"
[ -e /usr/sbin/cru ] && echo "cru okay" || echo "cru MOVED"
[ -e /usr/sbin/curl ] && echo "curl okay" || echo "curl MOVED"