Testing (trying to break!) ntpMerlin, I did a force update (uf) from the menu.
Download_File "$NTPD_REPO/$1" "$tmpfile"
if [ -f "/jffs/configs/$1.default" ]; then
if ! diff -q "$tmpfile" "/jffs/configs/$1.default" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
Download_File "$NTPD_REPO/$1" "/jffs/configs/$1.default"
Print_Output "true" "New default version of $1 downloaded to /jffs/configs/$1.default, please compare against your /jffs/configs/$1" "$PASS"
Download_File "$NTPD_REPO/$1" "/jffs/configs/$1.default"
Print_Output "true" "/jffs/configs/$1.default does not exist, downloading now. Please compare against your /jffs/configs/$1" "$PASS"
rm -f "$tmpfile"
return 1
This part of the script kicked in and left me wondering why there was no default? It asked to compare against ntp.conf.
I can't find the 'default' file, but it did not overwrite my ntp.conf which I had previously modified.
Is this how it is supposed to be working, or should I be concerned?
When I re-ran 'uf', it simply said that it had downloaded the latest version (v1.0.11) of ntpMerlin and that ntpMerlin was successfully updated.
Again, the modified ntp.conf file wasn't affected.
Thank you for any answers you may provide.