- NEW: Merged withh GPL 384_20648
- NEW: Merged RT-AC68U, RT-AC5300 binary blobs from 384_20648
- NEW: Merged RT-AC86U SDK and binary blobs from 384_20648
- NEW: service-event script, executed before any service
call is made. First argument is the event (typically
stop, start or restart), second argument is the target
(wireless, httpd, etc...).
Note that this script will block the execution of
the event until it returns.
- CHANGED: Updated miniupnpd to 20180412.
- CHANGED: Revised OpenVPN server options:
o Removed "Server Poll" (which didn't work
properly), and reimplemented watchdog service,
hardcoded to 2 mins frequency.
o Removed Firewall setting (firewall rules are now
always created, and the broken External mode
was fixed and integrated into the new Client
Access setting). You can now use the postconf
script to override it.
o Keys and certificates can now be up to 7999
characters long.
- CHANGED: Revised OpenVPN client options: (same as above for "OpenVPN server options) but added:
o Added "refresh" link which can be clicked to
re-query the public IP endpoint of the tunnel
o Keys and certificates can now be up to 7999
characters long.
- CHANGED: Re-designed Log -> Connections page into a table
with sortable fields.
- CHANGED: Moved "Beta firmware" option to the Tools -> Other
Settings page
- CHANGED: Improved layout of the Firmware Update page
- CHANGED: DHCP server no longer sends an empty DHCP
option 252 (for WPAD), Windows should now
behave correctly without these.
- CHANGED: Blocking custom scripts such as service-event
and pre-mount will now wait a maximum of 120
seconds before resuming normal operations, to
prevent accidental lockouts.