Regular Contributor
Since 384.5 alpha 2, this has been really stable for me. My issue on 384.4 with the network map was corrected in a earlier alpha version. My test this time around was testing Traditional QoS, and my testing method was DLS report and general streaming, gaming, and Wi-Fi calling. While I didn't notice anything funky with the QoS, my results went from A, A and -(no grade for bloatware) using Adaptive QoS FreshJR fast v1 script. Using traditional, still no bloatware, but my grade rating went down to D and C for speed & quality. Guessing the fix you provided from the one user has it working correctly, and also worth a mention but I didn't customize my QoS on traditional like I have did on Adaptive.
Anyway's everything is working smoothly, mount's, client list, script's, signature updates, Wi-Fi scheduler, OpenVPN start at boot, and everything else under the sun lol. I have noticed very small, odd, and minor issues here and there, but nothing that kept reoccurring.
Thank's for providing a stable and secure router firmware I can rely on, customize, and tune to my needs
Anyway's everything is working smoothly, mount's, client list, script's, signature updates, Wi-Fi scheduler, OpenVPN start at boot, and everything else under the sun lol. I have noticed very small, odd, and minor issues here and there, but nothing that kept reoccurring.
Thank's for providing a stable and secure router firmware I can rely on, customize, and tune to my needs