appState:5 stage:cinst prevSett:1 news:0 nMsg:0
vUpd:0 majVer:3 instVer:3.3 appChk:1
dev:/tmp/mnt/ASUS path:/tmp/mnt/ASUS
tmpdev: psInstSt:6 psState

entware:1 entState

n entDevice:/tmp/mnt/ASUS
entDescr: readlink: /tmp/mnt/ASUS/
-------------------- dev Mode --------------------
checking AB-Solution installation
appState:5 stage:md prevSett:1 news:0 nMsg:0
vUpd:0 majVer:3 instVer:3.3 appChk:0
dev:/tmp/mnt/ASUS path:/tmp/mnt/ASUS
tmpdev: psInstSt:6 psState

entware:1 entState

n entDevice:/tmp/mnt/ASUS
entDescr: readlink: /tmp/mnt/ASUS/
-------------------- dev Mode --------------------
checking Entware device
device verified, looks good
checking /jffs/scripts/dnsmasq.postconf
file found
content looks good
checking /jffs/scripts/post-mount
file found
content looks good
checking /jffs/scripts/services-start
file found
content looks good
checking /jffs/scripts/services-stop
file found
content looks good
checking /jffs/scripts/wan-start
file found
content looks good
checking Entware state
Entware running, looks good
/tmp/opt looks good
checking /opt/etc/init.d/S80pixelserv-tls
file found
content looks good
checking pixelserv-tls responded, looks good
pixelserv-tls is not running, restarting
Shutting down pixelserv-tls... done.
Starting pixelserv-tls (AB-Solution)... done.
pixelserv-tls is not running
file found
content looks good
checking white and black list
files found, no further checks
checking hosts-adblock
file found
content looks good
checking ab-solution.cfg
file found
content looks good
checking update-hosts.add
file found
content looks good
checking rotate-logs.add
file found
content looks good
checking log-stats.add
file found
content looks good
file found
content looks good
checking email.cfg
file found
content looks good
checking cron job hosts update
content looks good
checking cron job log rotate
content looks good
checking cron job weekly stats
30 1 * * 5 /tmp/mnt/ASUS/adblocking/scripts/ #WeeklyStats#
30 1 * * 5 /tmp/mnt/ASUS/adblocking/scripts/ #WeeklyStats#
content looks good
checking symlink state
file found
content looks good
checking dnsmasq.conf
file found
adblocking state looks good
logging state looks good
Errors found.
Read the check's output for clues.
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