I'm having problems since 380.66. There is a instability issue, I believe.
Here is my experience.
I always access my windows server through RDP on the same LAN, RDP suddenly losses connection, and won't resume. At the same time, I'm trying to open WebUI to figure out what has happened, it can go through the logo in and load everything, but it hangs when I'm clicking any button on the front page, then I close the WebUI, and try to open it again, this time it gives me a timeout, but my internet connection is still good and doesn't slow down at all, and few minutes later, my RDP link comes back, ssh is accessible too, I can use ps to list all the threads, but will hang if I'm trying to run any script or bin, but I can restart terminal anytime without a problem. And the WebUI remains dead.
This happened twice in a week. I have to power cycle the route to be able to regain control.
I had no problem ever before. my route usually could be up to several months without any problem.
I have ONE questions:
What combinations of cmd should I issue in the terminal to be able to reanimate the WebUI? Like kill some processed and start them again.
My Router is AC68U, 380.66_2.
RDP sever is LAN Cable connected, client end connected by wireless.
When RDP went dead, all network access to the server was also cut off. FTP, SMB, Everything to that sever was dead, but the downloading on that server seemed didn't t get interrupted, so it was the whole Lan network went down for a couple of minutes.