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[ 3004.388.8 alpha Build(s) ] Testing available build(s)

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No support with this builds!

3004.388.8 (xx-xxx-2024)

- UPDATED: Chart.js was upgraded from 2.x to 3.9, to share the
same version used by Asus. Any third party addon
that used it will need to upgrade their charts to
the new version.
Does anyone have insight into which addons might be adversely affected by the Chart.js upgrade?
Does anyone have insight into which addons might be adversely affected by the Chart.js upgrade?
None of mine (see signature).
Pleased to read so many positives regarding this alpha!
Thank You RMerlin for your continued support!
EDIT: Eagerly awaiting beta_1 :D
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Let's GO!

EDIT: Filthy upgrade from 388.7 across all gear. No issues to report so far. Was stable overnight. All devices happy. VPN/DNS Director, DDNS all behaving as expected.
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After two days there is nothing unusual to report. OVPN via ip6 works without a hitch, all IOT things are constantly connected. AMTM and YazDHCP also works as expected!

THANKS to RMerlin!
Just updated to 3004.388.8_alpha1-g2302a1be67 from 3004.388.7. Nothing noticeable to report.
Hello, wireguard does not work, I will explain myself or I will try to do it in detail:

When you connect outside home through wireguard does not work you stay without connection.

And it is not my configuration, I have gone back to version 388.7 (as I say without touching any configuration) and the devices can already connect.

So I don't know, please fix that. Thanks
Working fine one my two wireguard clients and one server. Check your configuration. Maby your key have changed.
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Working fine one my two wireguard clients and one server. Check your configuration. Maby your key have changed.
I quickly set up a Wireguard server and can access my intranet with an Android phone via the mobile network. However, because of cgnat, everything runs via IPv6.
As I just saw, the post has been removed, which I don't think is very nice...

Long story short: Wireguard works as expected!
Dirty update to GT-AX11000 & RT-AX58U v1

No issues.
It's an alpha, not a release.
ah never had issues with alpha

running fine here

im getting used to using the non-rog theme
rog theme wasn't included which wasn't a surprise for me
Regular upgrade. VPN is working good. Everything else is running smoothly. Seems to be a release.
New beta is out
We can close this thread. @RMerlin
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