Part of the Furniture
Mine are still there. examine the amount of NVRAM you are using.
size: 59593 bytes (5943 left)
940 custom_clientlist
810 nc_setting_conf
603 dhcp_staticlist
516 rc_support
514 dhcp_hostnames
337 vpn_client1_clientlist
334 vpn_client3_cust2
334 vpn_client1_cust2
333 vpn_client_cust2
287 vpn_client_custom2
275 sshd_authkeys
213 cfg_relist
205 wl1_chansps
164 asus_device_list
143 vpn_client3_clientlist
142 vpn_client_clientlist
138 vpn_client2_cust2
129 wps_env_buf
120 qos_rulelist
106 vpn_server2_cust2