New Around Here
I seem to be having a problem applying changes to the main WAN config page. Example: Connect to DNS Server automatically is set to no, with and in the DNS fields. If I make any changes to these numbers, and hit apply.. they are not applied. Same if I change the checkbox to Yes.Any other setting on the WAN page does the same thing. It appears the submit function is broken on the form. This istarted with 376.49_0 and is still in 376.49_2. Tried with multiple browsers on multiple devices.
RT-N68UAnd your router model is?
Just tried, and it works for me. Open your browser console and see if it shows any error message when you load the page or try to apply.
When I open the Javascript console, after I hit Apply, I get this...
Uncaught ReferenceError: validate_fqdn is not defined