The 384 upgrade worked fine for me. Having
initially had the issue myself : (a return value of * after running:
# nvram get dns_probe_content) and as
@Matthew Patrick had previously posted below:
This was fully resolved for me by, right here: so my thanks for the quick recognition and post
I ran a dirty upgrade from 384_Beta3, corrected the above ^^ then another re-boot and it's all good.
IPv6 DDNS is a non-functional item, as posted here by
@RMerlin >
inadyn: rc: disable IPv6 support <
Asuswrt-Merlin 386.4 is now available for all supported models. This release merges with GPL 386_45958, and adds support for the RT-AX86S. Dec 28th update: Updated to Beta 3. Changes since Beta 2: 9288cd8c05 Updated documentation 8c0194de99 inadyn: rc: disable IPv6 support 0ae53e9cd8 rc...
seems... that this will be added back in, once ASUS have corrected / updated it themselves, in theory... in their next GPL RC-3 release(s) which, will then be worked on & improved
