Occasional Visitor
Oh wow...that's a bummer ....not a big deal but I will miss that option
I'm still having issues setting up my OpenVPN, I'm basically trying to setup as always....
1. Download the ovpn file from my VPN provider
2. Create VPN rules thru VPN Director router goes thru WAN all other traffic goes thru VPNClient1
3. Upload the open file in VPN Client1, make minor edits i.e. I add my username and password
4. Turn ON service state.
5. For a brief second it's shows I'm connected to the VPN...than my internet drops, after a few seconds it comes back on, but than it drops again and cycle continues
6. Once I hit the default option at bottom, my internet works again
7. Not sure how I can trouble shoot this. Maybe try another VPN provider to see if the error is with them.
First off, just looking at your VPN Director, make sure there are NO VPN Director rules in effect when making the connection to your VPN provider. Once you have connected to your VPN provider-the default state being the internet-please create VPN Director rule(s) by device that you want connected to the VPN and nothing else to include what you have been previously doing in VPN Director. This should prevent the WAN (Internet) cutouts for now and allow you to use the VPN just for selected devices. Just a suggestion of course-there are far more capable people here in the community who might be able to give you a more elegant solution.