This sounds very promising, this was the major issue I was having before reverting back to 386.8 on the AX88 and 386.7_2 on the Mesh (1GbE wired backhaul) AX86's.
...I've since rethought/reconfigured the router/nodes adding specifc 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz Guest networks for IoT devices (unique SSID's with intranet access in advance of adding a Matter hub and new Nest FW), set specific channels for both radios vs auto, tweaked the Smart Connect rule to get Laptops/Phones/ and other devices to 5Ghz vs 2.4Ghz on the non IoT WiFi network, disabled 802.1b on the nodes (didn't or doesn't carry over the setting from the router), set the WiFi on the Android Tablets monitoring the cameras to unmetered vs auto which has helped to keep them on and connected and raised the value for the group key rotation interval to a week. Still moving some of the remaining devices to the appropriate networks. At the point right now where I'm having the greatest stability ever. Even at bandwidth settings of 160Mhz on the 5Ghz and 40Mhz on the 2.4Ghz radios. So stable and non eventful in fact, that it's been boring not having to touch the router/nodes (much to the Wife's delight

Even though I don't get a lot of interference from the neighbors, I have been monitoring WiFi using inSSIDer (running contiously for over a week looking at both frequencies) and have been amazed to discover the amount of cars driving by with 2.4Ghz and even 5Ghz WiFi AP's, at a high enough strength (even if for only a brief few seconds during the drive by) that I suspect with the problematic WiFi drivers, was partially contributing (conjecture) for some of the instability. The mesh node I was having the issue with the 5Ghz radio not coming up after the router listened for Radar and turned on 5Ghz spectrum, is the one closet to the street oddly enough. Never saw any of those (radios) using the built in WiFi Radar on the router even though the SSID/radio monitoring PC and router are 3ft from each other. Not to mention some air traffic related to military exercises in Miami the week I upgraded to 388.1 which may have been responsible for the 5Ghz channels randomly changing and dropping the 160Mhz bandwidth (from channels 36/160 to 44) because of Radar.
Looking forward to getting on the 388.x release again...