Part of the Furniture
They don't count as ads blocked - yet. Technically all the r*.**-******** domains that the YT block feature collects are forced to use the same IP address, instead of them individually resolving their own IP. That server behind the forced IP will not have the same content as the real server.Hi,
Is there some way to know/test/confirm whether Diversion YouTube ad blocking is working on your system, or not? I've got it enabled, but I'm still seeing a significant though un-quantifiable number of ads on YouTube. I see nothing in the firmware GUI - Addons - Diversion Stats that suggests YouTube ads are being blocked.
Or so I think this is how it works...
I have yet to build in the counter that includes this new feature.
To check if the YT blocking works, run the f command in Diversion, select one of the Unfiltered log options and view some YT videos.
Every r*.**-******** that is directed to the forced IP address set and shown in b, 8 potentially shows no video ads.
Edit: And to add, every r*.**-******** that is not resolved to the forced IP address should then be collected by this new YT blocking feature and added to the list.
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